Everywhere you look or listen, there is plenty of bad news to go around.  However, with this being the final weekend of the first half of 2010, I thought it would be a good idea to look back on some of the positive things I’ve noticed or experienced so far this year. 

  1. Father’s Day – My wife and daughter treated to me to one of the greatest weekends I’ve ever had.  It was a true celebration of testosterone and I got to spend it with my in-laws and niece.  For additional thoughts on my role as father, see the post The Greatest Leadership Role.
  2. The Dead Sea Scrolls – One of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen was the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Thrive Conference at Bayside Church in Roseville, CA.  It is conformational evidence of everything I’ve based my life on. To check out their worship leader Lincoln Brewster see http://wp.me/PVReH-2R.
  3. Cancer Free – I had biopsy earlier this year because of some elevated PSA numbers.  Fortunately, the numbers came back negative.  Praise God!
  4. Re-united With Family – Through some amazing circumstances I have had the privilege of reconnecting with some family I haven’t seen in years.  It’s been incredible to see what God has done in their lives.
  5. School – My daughter finished an a great year of school.  I have to brag a little bit as she won the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence.  What a smart little girl!
  6. Fellowship Bible Church – My pastor Crawford Loritts is an amazing teacher and communicator.  Check out Leadership From A Firehose for notes from my favorite message this year.  Also, my wife and I are so proud to watch our daughter lead worship in the children’s program.
  7. NFL Draft – Now for a few things a little less important.  For sheer sporting enjoyment and drama, nothing matched nights 1 & 2  of this event.  Click here to get my extended thoughts as well as ESPN’s Jon Gruden pre-draft coverage.
  8. New Orleans Saints – Drew Brees is one of the greatest leaders in sports and that city deserved a champion.  Good for them.  See The Leadership Link Between Drew Brees and Nick Saban for more information. 
  9. Kobe Bryant – He may never be as good as Michael but he is basketall’s best player of the last decade and in my opinion the 7th best player ever.  Shouldn’t that be good enough?  Check out http://wp.me/PVReH-4C to see his incredible legacy.
  10. Killing Cockroaches – This may be the greatest leadership book I’ve ever read.  Tony Morgan packs as much applicable leadership content into a single publication as anything I’ve ever seen.  You can subscribe to his blog at www.tonymorganlive.com.

There have also been some very difficult and disappointing things that have happened so far this year but that is not what this post is about.  Finally, I want to conclude on another great note.  Congratulations go to my dear friends and co-workers Ron and Stacy Wood on Stacy’s son David Buchanan being selected in the 7th round by the Philadelphia Phillies.  I’m praying that David has a long, productive, and healthy career.

Tell us how your year has gone so far.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.