30 Leadership Quotes From LeBron James The Decision On ESPN

The following is raw, unedited leadership quotes from tonight’s decision by LeBron James to join the Miami Heat.  These quotes will be analyzed in the weeks ahead.

“I have chosen to take my talents to South Beach.”


  1. In the history of the league we’ve never seen this. – Stuart Scott
  2. I’m shocked by this (going to Miami). – Jon Barry
  3. LeBron means more to the economically depressed NE Ohio than anyone since Jim Brown. – Michael Wilbon

LeBron’s Comments

  1. I put myself in position to have this process…to ultimately win and be happy.
  2. I would sit down with my team and hear from their team.
  3. I had a great conversation with my mom and was set on my decision.
  4. You ultimately have to live with your decision and do what’s best for you and your family.
  5. The major decision was the ability to win now and win in the future.
  6. I have no doubts about my decision.
  7. I’m going to take my talents to South Beach and join the Miami Heat…It gives me the best opportunity to win and for multiple years.  I want to be able to win championships.
  8. For me it’s not about sharing.  It’s about everyone having their own spotlight and then doing what’s best for the team.
  9. In the 7 years I gave to that city, it was everything.  I never wanted to leave Cleveland but I also feel this is the greatest challenge to me was to move on.  It’s not about leaving Cleveland.  It’s about joining forces with those two guys.
  10. It’s time to change.
  11. This is tough because you feel like you’ve let a lot of people down.  You’ve raised a lot of people’s expectations.
  12. My mother is the person I will always look to for guidance.

Michael Wilbon Talks With LeBron

  1. I respect their franchise (referring to Cleveland).
  2. I haven’t spoken to anyone (at Cleveland).
  3. I gave a lot to that organization (referring to Cleveland).
  4. Championships are championships.
  5. I expect to win.  I expect to get better everyday in practice.  The only reason we play this game is to win championships.
  6. I wanted to do what’s best for LeBron James and what would have made LeBron James happy.

Analysis Of The Decision

  1. He wants to win and did something about it.  He’s sacrificing money to do this. – Tim Legler
  2. It’s insulting to their basketball IQs that these three can’t figure out how to play together. – Tim Legler
  3. Pat Riley has a mesmerizing presence.  He had a lot to sale and did a great job selling. – Jay Adande
  4. They feel abandoned.  They feel bitter…LeBron James is now the 2nd most hated person in this city. – Shelley Smith
  5. LeBron made this decision based upon winning.  He left $30M on the table. – Chris Broussard
  6. When you put 3 below avg guys around 3 superstars, they will play above their heads. – Chris Broussard
  7. Dwayne Wade had as much to do in putting this team together as Pat Riley did. These three guys wanted to play together.  They enjoy playing together.  These guys chose this. LeBron chose to go from beloved to villain. He chose less money to do it. He chose to share the stage. It is unselfish.  It is about winning. – Dan Le Batard
  8. Giving up money, stats, and recognition is surprising.  Being the most talented team has to be translated into being the best team.  The pursuit of a championship should be worth more than winning it.  He should have called the owner of the Cavaliers before the decision and explained it. – Jeff Van Gundy
  9. I sat and watched with my kids so they could learn how LeBron James has handled this.  The Cleveland fans should be appalled. – Mark Jackson

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.