Top 15 Reasons Why I Love My Church

I have the privilege of attending the wonderful Fellowship Bible Church located in Roswell, GA.  As I was driving to church this morning, I was thinking about how much I look forward to this time each week.  I can’t wait to get up on Sunday mornings!

The following are the reasons I love my church.  Now please know, this is my personal list on this particular date.  It will certainly not include all the reasons a person may love their church and your list may be completely different.  This is simply my list as of today.  

  1. Family – My wife and daughter love going to church there. 
  2. Senior Pastor Crawford Loritts – Everything rises and falls on leadership.
  3. Student Impact - There is a strong emphasis on leadership development in the student departments.
  4. Teaching – Lives are changed weekly by clear, crisp, and compelling messages that have a biblical foundation.
  5. Solutions – I am given practical solutions and a proper framework to the issues of my life.
  6. Relationships – I have developed some great friendships. 
  7. Encouragement – Each week I walk away encouraged and ready to face the week.
  8. Worship – The music is very good and up-to-date.
  9. Racial Diversity – We have a strong commitment to multi-cultural ministry that is reflected in the makeup of our audience.
  10. Justice Issues – We have a strong multi-generational impact around the world that is addressing the marginalized, hurting, and those who are suffering.
  11. I Make A Difference – My entire family gets to utilize our spiritual giftedness to worship Christ and serve others on a weekly basis.
  12. Memories – I baptized my daughter there.
  13. Home Life – I am a better husband and father because what I am taught there.
  14. I Am Valued – I know I am loved there.  A friend of mine once said “Everyone wants to be told they’re pretty.”
  15. Anticipation – When the service is over, I am left wanting more.  At the end of the day, this is the real test as to whether you love your church or not.

Well that is my list.  What’s your’s?  If you don’t have one yet, please utilize my list as a template.

Pastors and church leaders, if you made a checklist of the 15 items listed and had the people of your church check off what applied to them, what would your percentages be?  Hopefully, it would be very high!

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.