10 Ways To Increase Blog Traffic

Leaders are constantly seeking ways to expand their influence.  This past summer, the readership of this site has grown over 900%.  I’ve learned much and want to pass along my key learnings about multiplying readers and exponentially impacting the lives of others to you.

In addition to some positive things I’ve learned, I will also pass on my blogging mistakes.

Things That Work

  1. Read A Lot On the Subject of BloggingTony Morgan’s book Killing Cockroaches initially inspired my blogging desires.  I now also read www.problogger.net, www.bloggodown.com,  www.sethgodin.com, and www.blog.ourchurch.com daily for insights on improving my site and posts.
  2. Content, Content, Content - Try to post 5-6 times per week.  There are two primary advantages to this.  First, the more you write the better you get.  Two, it increases your chances of being found by Google searches.
  3. Broader Appeal Within The Same Genre – I used to only write about leadership principles in sports.  Now I also find leadership principles in church, family, and relationships.  This expanded my audience.
  4. Short Posts – Thank you www.josephsangl.com for teaching me this.  I keep all posts 500 words or less.
  5. Scannable – Use lists.  Nothing makes people move to another site quicker than long paragraphs. 
  6. Graphics - Try to have images or video with all posts.  We are a visual society.  How do you like the image above?
  7. Social Networks - Use twitter and facebook to promote your blog titles.   
  8. Solutions – People read a blog because they are looking for solutions on a specific topic.  If you are looking for ways to improve your leadership, you will find answers here.
  9. Think Ahead – I think Christian Ponder will win the 2010 Heisman Trophy and Aaron Rodgers will be the NFL MVP.  If you click their names, I have already written posts about their leadership.  The goal is that these posts will become sticky for the next several months.
  10. Response - Try to respond to everyone within 24 hrs who comments about a post.  This shows that you genuinely care, creates conversation, and helps develop a loyal following. 

5 Mistakes I’ve Made

  1. Titles - Yesterday, a good friend said “I see (on facebook) you’re excited that football season is starting.”  I then asked “How did you like the post?”  He didn’t open it.  I’m still trying to break the code on titles that demand to be opened.
  2. Networks - The experts tell you that you must be part of blogging communities.  I’m still figuring out how to build those bridges.
  3. Controversy – The same experts also tell you that controversy increases your traffic.  That’s not my style.  
  4. The Audience – I’m still trying to figure out my exact audience and then speak specifically to that audience.
  5. Planning – Bloggers are advised to have the next 6-10 posts planned in advance.  I have a family and full-time job so that concept is simply not feasible.  My blog is almost like a diary.  It is the outward processing of what I daily experience as a leader.  I need a more proactive strategy.

Leaders, your blogs are desperately needed.  Your thoughts and ideas change the quality of people’s lives.  Let us know what you’ve done that has increased your number of readers.  We, specifically I, need to know.   

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.