18 Lessons From The Greatest Leadership Book I’ve Ever Read Part 2

Have you ever had an older person invest in your life?  I think most effective leaders had several people invest in them throughout their life.  The best document on mentoring I’ve ever read is about a man name Paul who coached a younger Timothy about many things.  Paul documented his insights in the books 1 and 2 Timothy located in the Bible.

The Bible is the greatest leadership book I’ve ever read.  As a manual on leadership, it simply has no equal.  Part 2 of this series looks specifically 2 Timothy and analyzes 18 of the values of the Bible itself.  To read part 1, click here. 

The following are quotes (chapter, verse) that provide his insights.

  1. The Bible produces a sincere faith. 1:5
  2. Biblical principles were passed down from his mother and grandmother. 1:5
  3. These principles can be passed down generationally by both men and women. 1:5
  4. The Bible equips you to give the testimony of the Lord. 1:8
  5. The Bible is given light and immortality because the greatest leader ever, Jesus, abolished death. 1:10
  6. The Bible is to be guarded as a treasure entrusted to you. 1:14
  7. The Bible’s teachings are to be entrusted to faithful men who will teach others. 2:2
  8. We are not to wrangle about words, which is useless, and leads to ruin of the hearers. 2:14
  9. We are to be diligent and present ourselves approved in handling the word of truth. 2:15
  10. The Bible provides a firm foundation. 2:19
  11. We must not be quarrelsome but kind and able to teach with great gentleness. 2:23-24
  12.  The Bible provides correction and an opportunity for repentance. 2:25
  13. When times get tough and complicated, we are to continue in the things we have learned and are convinced of. 3:14
  14. ALL scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching.  3:16
  15. The Bible equips for every good work.  3:17
  16. We are to be ready to teach the Bible’s truths at anytime.  4:2
  17. There will come a time people do not want to hear truth from the Bible. 4:3  Do you think we are already there?
  18. The Bible has long been vigorously opposed.  4:15

As a leader, read these 18 lessons and internalize those truths.  Does your leadership reflect the type of leadership the Bible has provided for thousands of years?  Does your team see many of those characteristics in your life?  If not, then there are things all of us can learn and apply.  Let me know your thoughts.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.