What People Are Saying About Dysfunctional Families During The Holidays

Two days ago I posted 8 Tips On Surviving Your Dysfunctional Family During The Holidays.  This post touched many and made the WordPress Freshly Pressed home page.  Currently there has been over 2300 hits on this site. 

The following are some excerpts from the 45 comments currently from you the readers.

  1. “I will never forget the first time my wife accompanied me for “the fractured family Christmas” at my step mother’s family’s house. Talk about awkward! Do you bring a gift? What if they get something. Who are these people? Gah!!!” – John 
  2. “It becomes dysfunctional when the stress and chaos is handled with alcohol or abuse, which many families do.” – The Simple Life of a Country Man’s Life
  3. “i think the reason im still single is because im scared of introducing someone to my fam. haha. is that wrong?” – dearexgirlfriend
  4. “My wife always makes fun of me when I tell her that I prepare conversation topics for holidays. I am glad to see that I’m not the only one to take this approach. : )” – Ryan
  5. ““Sasquatch” indeed…dysfunction is the new black when it comes to families!” – Mikalee Byerman
  6. “We’re a big, loud, Greek family…screaming and yelling is in our DNA, but I do believe we all love each other at some level…we just haven’t found that level yet-:)” – Amy
  7. “great list! id have to write some of this down on my hand right before the family gets in.” – enjoibeing
  8. “Abnormal is the new normal. And if everybody’s normal, it means nobody is.” – brainicide
  9. “I’d love to see a post on setting boundaries.” – RitaElizabeth
  10. “I logged in shortly after a heated coversation with my mother who took it upon herself to invite some of her friends to our family Thanksgiving which I am hosting without even so much as mentioning it to me first. Ugh. Boundaries, anyone?” – nobodyelsethoughtofthis
  11. “holidays are sooo bad” – Maria
  12. “all your suggestions are so obvious…and yet, never had I considered them in such a cut and dry fashion before.” – planejaner
  13. “OMG I need to print this out and take a copy with me! I am having Thanksgiving with the in-laws, enough said.” – me llamo brown
  14. “You put such a positive spin on it. Jesus loves us all equally, no matter if you’re totally nuts or not.” – Marathon Sweetheart
  15. “I started a tradition years ago when my children were very young to ALWAYS make Thanksgiving at my house with my immediate family. This was the one way I knew I could make sure we had a pleasant holiday ALL DAY LONG.” – rtcrita
  16. “I admit I have been in denial for years. I have always thought my family is normal. HA! Normal? What is normal? I guess normal is relevant to who you are comparing your dysfunction to.” – jterrill
  17. “Treat the old people like Children. Never say ‘what do you want to do’, or they will all fall out.” – trampolineman

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.