Are You Lonely This Christmas?

Are you lonely this Christmas?  Some questions need no explanation do they.  Are you lonely this Christmas?

If you are, you’re not alone.  The Boston Globe reported that a 1990 Gallup study indicated 36% of Americans are lonely.  Kerby Anderson, President of Probe Ministries International, states “the baby boom generation is headed for a crisis of loneliness“.  To read his insightful article on the subject click here.

Loneliness hits me the hardest when I am traveling on business.  At the end of a day I return to my hotel room.  I look at that desk, bed, and full-length mirror on my closet.  My wife is not there.  My daughter is not there, and I feel lonely.  It is true that it is not good that man should be alone.

This past Sunday, my pastor Crawford Loritts of Fellowship Bible Church gave an incredible message on the subject of loneliness.  Here are the key points.  I hope they help you and bring you comfort during this Christmas season.

  • Loneliness happens even when much is going on.
  • Loneliness happens with people there.
  • “The most terrible poverty in the world is loneliness.” – Mother Teresa
  • The rise of technology brings increased isolation.

5 Areas Of Loneliness

  1. When you are alone and have no choice but to be alone.
  2. Lacking past attachments.
  3. Facing changes in your life.
  4. There is no one in your life with who to share feelings.
  5. Your self-perception is you are unacceptable.  Low self-esteem.

Loneliness is fundamentally an intimacy issue.  We are separated from God.  If we feel alienated from God, it’s because we are.  Notice these three words from Ephesians 2:12:

  1. Separated
  2. Alienated
  3. Strangers

How do we handle this?  Don’t settle for an unsatisfying substitute otherwise known as an idol.  Here is some information on idols in our lives:

  1. An idol is anything that is not true or permanent and cannot meet our aloneness needs.
  2. Idols are a poor replacement.
  3. Idols deceive us because they are artificial.  They won’t meet our needs.
  4. Idols are powerless.

So what are your idols?

  1. People – This flows from dysfunction and results in co-dependence.
  2. Passions – We self-medicate through sex, drugs, experiences, etc…
  3. Purchases

How then do you address loneliness and its twin idolatry?

  1. Don’t settle for idols.
  2. Surrender to the only true solution to loneliness – Jesus Christ.

The following is true about Jesus:

  1. He knows our need.
  2. He gives real, genuine life.
  3. He meets our need for real companionship.  Human beings have limitations.
  4. He provides real intimacy.

This is Christmas.  Jesus gives unlimited gifts but these four are especially for you if you are lonely.  Jesus gives:

  1. His permanent presence.  He’ll never leave you.
  2. Power of His presence.  He gives you strength to make it through the day.
  3. Over-flowing presence.  He gives us abundant life.
  4. Guiding presence.  He is the greatest leader ever.

If you are lonely, I so want you to have a wonderful fulfilling Christmas.  To have that, start at the beginning.  Spend time with that little baby in the manger.  He will give you more than any human being or purchase ever could. 

And if you’re looking for friends, comment here on this post.  I am praying that hundreds of people can find like-minded people sharing their stories and experiencing genuine community.  Technology doesn’t have to be isolating.  Merry Christmas.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.