The following is Part 2 of the leadership quotes provided by Seth Godin in his incredible book Tribes. To read Part 1, click here. Once again, if you have not purchased this book, I can’t recommend it enough.
- It takes guts to acknowledge that perhaps this time, right now, you can’t lead.
- Leaders don’t have things happen to them. They do things.
- The best time to change your business (or church) model is while you still have momentum.
- The good old days are yet to happen.
- Every leaders cares for and supports a movement.
- Great leaders figure out how to make interactions happen.
- The people who follow you aren’t stupid.
- The secret to leadership is simple: Do what you believe in.
- It’s rare that it’s obvious when to lead.
- Great leadership happens when the tribe least expects it.
- If I fail to persuade you to implement a policy that supports my tribe, that’s due to my lack of passion or skill, not your shortsightedness.
- The largest enemy of change and leadership isn’t a “no”. It’s a “not yet.” “Not yet” is the safest, easiest way to forestall change.
- The tactics of leadership are easy. The art is the difficult part.
- Real leadership rarely comes from the CEO or the senior VP of leadership. Instead, it happens out of the corner of your eye, in a place you weren’t watching.
- Leadership comes when your hope and your optimism are matched with a concrete vision of the future and a way to get there.
- The challenge for the leader is to help your tribe sing, whatever form that song takes.
- Being charismatic doesn’t make you a leader.
- Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work.
- Part of leadership is the ability to stick with the dream for a long time.
- Leaders understand that change is not only omnipresent, but the key to success.
- Great leaders embrace deviants by searching for them and catching them doing something right.
- (Real leaders) not only do not care about credit, you actually want other people to take credit….Credit isn’t the point. Change is.
- Leaders create things that didn’t exist before.
- You can’t mange without knowledge. You can’t lead without imagination.
- What leaders do: they give people stories they can tell themselves.
- There’s no correlation between money, power, or education and successful leadership.
- Leaders have nothing in common, exept the decision to lead.
As a bonus, the following are The Elements of Leadership
- Leaders challenge the status quo.
- Leaders create a culture around their goal and involve others in that culture.
- Leaders have an extraordinary amount of curiosity about the world they’re trying to change.
- Leaders use charisma to attract and motivate followers.
- Leaders communicate their vision of the future.
- Leaders commit to a vision and make decisions based upon that commitment.
- Leaders connect their followers to one another.
After reading these two posts, how have Seth’s comments affected your own personal leadership?
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