34 Leadership Quotes By Seth Godin From Tribes Part 2

Seth Godin

The following is Part 2 of the leadership quotes provided by Seth Godin in his incredible book Tribes.  To read Part 1, click here.  Once again, if you have not purchased this book, I can’t recommend it enough.

  1. It takes guts to acknowledge that perhaps this time, right now, you can’t lead.
  2. Leaders don’t have things happen to them.  They do things.
  3. The best time to change your business (or church) model is while you still have momentum.
  4. The good old days are yet to happen.
  5. Every leaders cares for and supports a movement.
  6. Great leaders figure out how to make interactions happen.
  7. The people who follow you aren’t stupid.
  8. The secret to leadership is simple:  Do what you believe in.
  9. It’s rare that it’s obvious when to lead.
  10. Great leadership happens when the tribe least expects it.
  11. If I fail to persuade you to implement a policy that supports my tribe, that’s due to my lack of passion or skill, not your shortsightedness.
  12. The largest enemy of change and leadership isn’t a “no”.  It’s a “not yet.”  “Not yet” is the safest, easiest way to forestall change.
  13. The tactics of leadership are easy.  The art is the difficult part.
  14. Real leadership rarely comes from the CEO or the senior VP of leadership.  Instead, it happens out of the corner of your eye, in a place you weren’t watching.
  15. Leadership comes when your hope and your optimism are matched with a concrete vision of the future and a way to get there.
  16. The challenge for the leader is to help your tribe sing, whatever form that song takes.
  17. Being charismatic doesn’t make you a leader.
  18. Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work.
  19. Part of leadership is the ability to stick with the dream for a long time.
  20. Leaders understand that change is not only omnipresent, but the key to success.
  21. Great leaders embrace deviants by searching for them and catching them doing something right.
  22. (Real leaders) not only do not care about credit, you actually want other people to take credit….Credit isn’t the point.  Change is.
  23. Leaders create things that didn’t exist before.
  24. You can’t mange without knowledge.  You can’t lead without imagination.
  25. What leaders do:  they give people stories they can tell themselves.
  26. There’s no correlation between money, power, or education and successful leadership.
  27. Leaders have nothing in common, exept the decision to lead.

As a bonus, the following are The Elements of Leadership

  1. Leaders challenge the status quo.
  2. Leaders create a culture around their goal and involve others in that culture.
  3. Leaders have an extraordinary amount of curiosity about the world they’re trying to change.
  4. Leaders use charisma to attract and motivate followers.
  5. Leaders communicate their vision of the future.
  6. Leaders commit to a vision and make decisions based upon that commitment.
  7. Leaders connect their followers to one another.

After reading these two posts, how have Seth’s comments affected your own personal leadership?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.