How Success Changes A Person

Every new level comes with a new devil.  You see, things change with success.  It’s just a reality.  One of the characteristics of someone who has sustainable leadership and success is that they will handle this new prosperity well.

20-year-old Trevor Bayne won this year’s Daytona 500.  The March 14h edition of Sporting News talked with him about how his life has changed since winning the Super Bowl of NASCAR.  There are lessons here for all leaders to be aware of as you gain more and more success.

  1. A Mapped-Out Schedule – Successful people know that the higher up you go, the less options you have.  “I’ve always been the guy that goes with the flow and does whatever and never made a plan.  Now every day is planned out.  That’s been one of the toughest transitions for me so far” says Bayne.  The same will be true for you.
  2. More Recognition – “People are noticing me out in public in normal street clothes” he adds.   
  3. Interaction With Celebrities – Tim Tebow and Vice President Joe Biden are just two of the celebrities Bayne has had the opportunity to meet in the last month.  While we may never reach a level of success to meet those type of people, we will however begin to interact with more and more well-known individuals in our area of discipline.
  4. Relationships In The Garage – “I texted Jeff Gordon after his win and he texted me back…It gave us more of a level to connect on.”  Kings talk to kings.  As you reach new levels of success, you will interact with people at that level.  There is a commonality to the journeys you are on.
  5. Heightened Interest In His Personal Life  – “People want to know more about the personal side of Trevor Bayne rather than just the driver.”  Leadership can be like an airport.  There is often a scanning and probing to every aspect of your life.  Successful people understand that this is often non-negotiable.  It simply comes with the territory.

I know you want to be successful.  There are perks that come with success.  The question is though, are you willing to pay the price needed to stay successful?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.