Who Is The Next 20 Year Old Billionaire? Meet Jessica Mah

In an effort to identify the greatest NextGen Leaders, I want to pass along someone I recently learned about at the website Netizen.  The next young billionaire may just be Jessica Mah.  Go to TechCrunch: inDinero’s Jessica Mah: This Is A 20-30 Year Company That We Want To Build (TCTV): to see an interview with this person that soon everyone will know about.

The Resume:

She launched her first startup at 12, 3 years before she graduated from high school at 15.  She debuted InternshipIN in 2008 and most recently founded inDinero, a financial management site that promises to be the Mint for small businesses.

inDinero helps small businesses track and manage their expenses in real-time.  It just wrapped up a $1.2 million angel round with several high-profile investors, including Yelp’s Jeremy Stoppelman, 500 Startup’s Dave McClure, Microsoft’s Fritz Lanman, Intuit’s David Wu, Slide’s Keith Rabois, and YouTube’s Jawed Karim.

The selection of these 20 investors was done in a strategic manner.  In the interview, Mah has the following quotes about the investors and well as other best practices all leaders can learn from.

  1. Experienced Inner-Circle – “We had a few rules for who we wanted to let into our round.  The first prerequisite was that they had run a business before, not all of them had but most of them had.”
  2. Leaders Are Benefited – “I thought that was really important because we’re building a product for businesses so if they get it, they can probably help us out more.”
  3. Commitment – “I don’t think we’re bribe-able at this point, because we just want to build a real business…5, 10, 20 year timeline.”
  4. Solutions – “The entire money space is not just ripe for disruption but there are so many things that need to be done. If you run a business and you start tallying up all the different problems you have to solve, it’s just an infinite list, like taxes, payroll, sending money, receiving money, dealing with predators, the list goes on. Until someone can easily solve them all and in an easy way, then we’re not done with our job.” 
  5. Patience And Long-Term Thinking – “I don’t think we can do that (solve those problems) in 5-10 years, this is a 20-30 year company that we want to build.”

Leaders, especially, pastors – are you looking to help people solve problems in an easy way?

As mentioned, to see the entire interview click the link above. Look for an inner-circle with qualified experience.  Deliver a product that will benefit leaders.  Be non-negotiable about your vision.  Deliver solutions.  Be patient while possessing long-term thinking.

These are five best practices currently utilized by this soon-to-be billionaire.  Are you using those same practices?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.