Using Intelligent Design To Create A Sustainable Organization

With apologies to Albert Pujols, the best player in baseball is the Colorado Rockies 26-year old shortstop Troy Tulowitzki.  Along with 25-year old leftfielder Carlos Gonzalez and 27-year old pitcher Ubaldo Jimenez, this trio makes up the nucleus of a baseball team built for the long haul.

Long-term success was not always part of the Rockies’s strategy.  But recently, led by GM Dan O’Dowd, the Rockies have built their organization by Intelligent Design.  In the May 2nd edition of Sports Illustrated, we learn the organizational philosophy that has positioned this team for a sustainable run of excellence.

  1. Selective Financial Commitments – For many years, the Rockies over-spent for aging veterans.  The team now places its resources into players who are entering their prime.  Also, the Rockies have often been accused of implementing a “Christian code of conduct”.  While that is probably not true, the team does focus on locking up high-character individuals at an early age.  Making an early investment in talent allows the team secure players before they become expensive free agents.
  2. Character – Having been embarrassed by off the field behavior in the past, the Rockies only invest resources in players with solid character.  O’Dowd says, “We found that talent that isn’t also accompanied by other qualities, such as humility, accountability and integrity, really didn’t work for us.  We’ve tried to build this team not just with a certain kind of player but a certain quality of person.”
  3. Servant Leadership – Tulowitzki and Gonzalez set the tone not only on the field but also in serving others on the team.  Gonzalez says, “We talk all the time about setting the right tone..we’re talking about how we can help our teammates…What can we do?  What can we do today to make this team better?”  Leaders, what did you do today that made your team better?
  4. Spheres Of Influence – The Latin players seek advice and guidance from Gonzalez while the other young players seek out Tulowitzki.  Leaders, do you know and cultivate your sphere of influence? 
  5. Loyalty – An unexpected benefit to long-term investments in players has been a long-term investment in the team from the Denver fans.  Leaders, are you creating a culture of loyalty?

An Intelligent Design to building a sustainable organization includes selective financial commitments to people with high character who are servant leaders to those in their sphere of influence.  This results in deep loyalty from both your team and your customers.

Leaders, is there an Intelligent Design to the people are you hiring and what is it?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.