The Top 10 Christian Leadership Blogs You Should Be Reading

Today I got a large number of hits because if you do a Google search for “leadership blogs you should be reading”, this site comes up first because of a post I wrote last November.  To read that post click 10 Leadership Blogs You Should Be Reading.

That spurred me to do some creative thinking.  What are the Top 10 Christian Leadership Blogs you should be reading?  I put together this list with the idea of a person who is just beginning their Christian leadership journey in mind.  What do they need?  What questions are they asking?  What do they need to know? Who should they be reading?

Based upon that criteria, here is my list in alphabetical order.  Feel free add to this list or even tell us about your blog.

  1. Dan Cathy – The Cathy family, in my opinion, are the finest Christian business leaders there are.  Dan’s blog balances family, church, and the workplace better than anything I’ve read.
  2. – This is quickly becoming one of my favorite sites.  An unbelievable collection of blog posts from the most relevant Christian leaders in the world. Many of the people on this list are featured here.
  3. Steven Furtick – Pastor Steven of Elevation Church always challenges my thinking. 
  4. Brad Lomenick – Brad is a friend of mine and heads up the Catalyst Conference and movement.  No one understands and resources NextGen leaders like Brad.  Anyone wanting to know what young leadership is about needs to read this site.
  5. John Maxwell On Leadership – I am always honored to promote my former boss and mentor.  His timeless material is invaluable when establishing a foundation on how to think about and approach leadership.
  6. Monday Morning Insight – This site, run by Todd Rhoades, is not a single blog but rather a collection of some of the best Christian writers and thinkers on the web.  A great central repository of information.
  7. Tony Morgan Live – Tony is simply the finest strategic thinker on the web.  His blog is what inspired me to launch this site.
  8. Perry Noble – In addition to being an incredible pastor and leader, his website is a gold mine of content for church leaders.  If I was a young pastor looking to be part of a coaching network, I would call Perry.
  9. Joseph Sangl – No one helps you win with your finances better than Joe.  If your church is looking to establish a stewardship education plan, go to this website first.
  10. Serving Strong – I always read Scott Couchenour’s posts for encouragement.

If you read these sites every day, you will be equipped with everything you need to be an effective Christian leader.  Oh, and feel free to visit each day also!!!

There is so much quality information available that I know I missed some great resources.  What other sites would you recommend?  And once again, I encourage you to feel free to tell us about your site also.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.