The World Doesn’t View The Church As Creative

Only the cross steeple remains of a church that was destroyed by the tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri.

The June 2011 edition of Fast Company just released their list of the Top 100 Most Creative people.  Sadly, not one Christian church or church leader made the list.  To put this in perspective, Chip Kelly, head football coach of the Oregon Ducks, was #30.  This infuriates me!!!

We serve The Creator, the One who created the entire universe.  The One who lives inside of us, whose Spirit we carry and carries us, and the giver of every good and perfect gift, provides church leaders extraordinary creative capacity.

Are Christians not tapping into this power?  I don’t think that is the issue.  When I look at churches like North Point Community Church, NewSpring Church, Elevation Church, Granger Community Church, and Passion City Church, I see not only incredible creativity but measurable creation and life change.

The unchurched world simply doesn’t view the church as creative and do not look there for creative ideas.  They really never have.  It is as if a tribal separation exists in the area of creativity.  That is sad because the unchurched world could learn much.  Simply click on any of hotlinks for the churches mentioned above as evidence.

However, the devastating events that recently took place in Joplin, MO and Tuscaloosa, AL have reminded everyone that the world may not be looking to the church for creativity, but they do turn to the church for stability and comfort during catastrophic times. 

We all still remember the overwhelming attendance figures following the weeks of 9-11.

This post contains the incredible before-and-after photos of St Mary’s Catholic Church in Joplin.  This base of ministry is a visual reminder to everyone that the only sustainable thing in this world is Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross. 

It should concern us that the world doesn’t view the church as uber-creative.  We have to build that bridge.  However, I can live with that because I know that when tragedy hits, they always know they can turn to the church. 

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.