A Better Way To Talk About Hell? You Decide.

I was fascinated today by an article entitled Simple Genius: A Cigarette Box So Ugly It Could Save Lives written by Suzanne Labarre of Co.Design for www.FastCompany.com.  It is about two Loughborough University (U.K.) students, Jennifer Noon and Sarah Shaw, who wish to reduce the amount of smoking.  Their concept is simple – scaring people has not worked so let’s go after an even more powerful personal trait…vanity.

Notice the packaging they designed.  It is triangular and not as easy to work with as a sleek rectangular package.  In addition, the package is made with extremely low quality material which means it quickly breaks and falls apart in your purse or bag leaving cigarettes everywhere.  And finally, rather than putting health labels on the carton,they clearly display the visual and physical results of tobacco use. 

Noon wants “to reduce the glamour appeal for young people.”  You are forced to literally put your hand into an open, yellow, decayed, dirty mouth to get your cigarette!!!  Results are inconclusive as to whether this will reduce smoking but I love the effort and creativity.

I began thinking about how this article could apply to local churches.  I know, I need to get a life.  But I asked myself, “What is the worst thing that could happen to a person that our efforts to scare them are no longer working?”  The answer then became obvious – spending eternity separated from Jesus in a place known as hell.  Trying to literally “scare the hell out of people” no longer seems to be working.  “Turn or burn” is no longer an effective message.  Sadly, we even have pastors who now minimize or even claim that hell doesn’t exist.

Maybe local churches should tap into one of society’s most powerful traits…personal vanity.  I then thought, “But how do you tie vanity to hell?”  After several more minutes of thought, I figured that maybe you don’t tie eternal damnation to hell.  Maybe you talk to vain people about how great Heaven will be.

  1. In Heaven, the afterlife, and really now, there is only one A-Lister and His name is Jesus Christ.  You get to hang out with Him forever.
  2. In Heaven, you will live in a mansion.
  3. In Heaven, you will be surrounded by jewels, rubies, sapphires, and precious stones.
  4. In Heaven, there is a loud, joyful concert unlike anything you’ve ever seen or heard.
  5. In Heaven, you have a great job and you’re really good at it.
  6. In Heaven, you have a great body.
  7. In Heaven, you are given a crown(s).
  8. In Heaven, you are always in perfect health.
  9. In Heaven, the food is better than a 5-star restaurant.
  10. In Heaven, you are wealthy.
  11. In Heaven, everybody likes you.
  12. In Heaven, you are really smart.
  13. In Heaven, you are interesting and funny.
  14. In Heaven, you can fly.

Hell offers none of this, only the exact opposite.

Does this make going to hell less attractive?  Is this better than trying to “scare you into Heaven”?  Does it tap into your vain side?  I don’t have the answers.  I’m just throwing it out there for discussion.  Your thoughts?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.