On This Date In Leadership History – August 26, 2002


August 26th is one of my favorite days of the year.  You see, it was nine years ago on August 26th, 2002 that after five years of trying, five failed interview attempts, and countless hours of prayer and preparation, I finally made the team and began my career with INJOY Stewardship Solutions (ISS).  

Many of you who visit this site or follow me on Facebook are past and present co-workers or church partners.  Can you believe it’s been nine years?!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with ISS, we are a leadership and stewardship organization that helps churches raise significant capital for new buildings, debt retirement, relocation, ministry expansion, muti-site, and the creation or development of a culture of generosity that attaches people’s hearts to the heart of God.  It has been a wonderful nine years!

I originally wanted to work at ISS because I wanted to serve under the leadership of the company’s founder, Dr. John Maxwell.  John was and still is one of my spiritual heroes!  For those of you wonder what it would be like to work for John, please know that he is the real deal and the most generous man I have ever met!

Under the current leadership of my good friend Joseph Sangl, ISS has helped over 5,000 churches raise over $5 billion for Kingdom work.  The role I play is helping church leaders in the areas of readiness and timing.  I help them develop a decision grid to understand if and when they are ready to move forward with ministry initiatives. 

Over the span of nine years, I’ve pretty much become an expert on readiness and timing.  Conversations with church leaders center on what I call “The Four Ministry Success Links” which are:

  • Vision – Is it clear?  Is it crisp?  Is it compelling?
  • Project – Is your’s clearly defined?  Is it a catalyst for making your vision a reality?
  • Leadership – Are the church leaders unified?  Are they publicly and privately supporting the ministry initiatives?  Are your leaders answering questions or asking them?
  • Trust – Has the congregation seen the leaders make wise and timely decisions over an extended period of time?

I can’t believe I get to wake up each day and have that level of conversation with some of America’s greatest pastors and spiritual leaders! 

What I enjoy about these four links is that they are applicable to every part of your life – family, business, sports, non-profits, homeowners associations, etc…

Over the last decade, I have had the personal privilege of having over 5,000 individual conversations with church leaders and made some great friendships.  I try to have a minimum of 3-5 of these talks daily.

If your church needs to raise capital or expand its culture of generosity, drop me note or call me at 800.333.6509 ext 3243.  It doesn’t matter if your need is a few years out or you’re using another group.  If you have a need, I have a calling to add value to your life.  Nothing would make me happier than having a conversation about your need and timeline?

Sounds like John Maxwell doesn’t it?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.