Live Notes From NewSpring Leadership Conference – Perry Noble Leadership Quotes

Perry Noble just kicked off the NewSpring Leadership Conference.  Here are the notes with John 2 as the text:

1.  Awareness Of His Presence

  • Jesus went to parties.
  • We didn’t grow up with “Party Jesus”.
  • I never see Jesus show up in the bible and the place get boring.  I never see it more predictable.  Jesus made things happen.
  • The presence of Jesus causes us to fear less and be fearless.
  • Maybe so many in our church are doing life without Jesus is because so many churches are doing church without Jesus.

2.  Desperation For His Voice

  • We want a code to fix our church more than we want Jesus.
  • What if we spent less time on Facebook and more timeo on our face before a Holy God?
  • Leadership is as easy as listening to God and doing what He says.
  • The best thing you can do is fall on your face and plead with God for your church.

3.  A Realization Of What He Has Given Us

  • The vessel for a miracle was already in the house.
  • I’ve been to Kenya.  I’ve seen under-resourced churches.
  • We focus on what we don’t have while God has put the resources in the house.

4.  A Desire To Work Hard

  • The reason you don’t have normal conversations on Sundays is because after the service, the normal people go home.
  • We got people in America who want to do great things for God but they’re not willing to work.
  • Many church leaders are willing to pray but they’re not willing to perspire.
  • “Their heart’s good”.  But their voice sucks.  I don’t get to listen to their heart.

5.  A Desire For People To See Jesus Clearly

  • You must mention Jesus by name.
  • You are a temporary container.  Life is a gift.  Eternity is a reality.  We all check out of Hotel Earth one day.
  • Then only thing that brings them together is Jesus Christ.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.