NextGen Leaders, We Are Rooting For You

When I look at the next generation of Christian leaders I am very excited about our future!!!  As a 45-year old former NextGen leader myself, it has always been fashionable for people to dismiss the following generation.  Older leaders seem to have a default mode that questions the music, motives, dress, hairstyles, and biblical literacy of those coming up.  If this describes you and how you view this generation of rising Christian leaders, you are quite mistaken.

When I look at the evidence and the impact they are having on human life, I can do nothing but wholeheartedly cheer them on and say “How can we help you?”

If you’re a NextGen leader, we are rooting for you!  We think you have far more potential than my generation ever did.  You have more passion, energy, global vision, authenticity, and creativity than any generation that has come before you.  Let me be more specific about the qualities that excite us and make your generation distinctive:

We are rooting for your relationship with Jesus!  This generation is the first to look beyond denominational affiliations and realize it really is all about a relationship with Jesus.  It’s all about God.  We are not anti-denominations (for some in my generation that’s an understatement) but we are when that relationship takes precedent over a person’s relationship with Jesus and what He is doing in the lives of others.  Young leaders, keep that relationship pure and authentic!

We are rooting for your passion!  Keep trying to change the world!  Your spirit of social justice has built wells, clothed the naked, fed the hungry, freed the enslaved, taught the illiterate, gave security and shelter to the homeless, and gave the hurting and those most forgotten a chance for a quality life.  Don’t let us “older, wiser” Christ followers try to give you sage advice.  We’re here if you need us but go clear your own path.  Make your own mistakes.  We did and you’ll learn from your experiences soon enough without any “expert analysis” from us.  Just keep doing what you’re doing and never lose your passion!

We are rooting for your spirit of worship!  We love watching you worship.  And we are so grateful your generation doesn’t laugh at people like my wife and I as we start hopping around:)  Candidly, many in our generation never enjoyed the worship experience.  Thanks for showing us how and giving us a chance not to miss it this time around!

We are rooting for your generosity!  When people need water, when students need backpacks, when refugees need a home, when nations like Haiti and Japan need aid, you are proactive and have become the front line for help.  As you get older, avoid going into debt as it will be a direct competitor to the affections of your generous heart.  Don’t lose your spirit of generosity!

We are rooting for your creativity!  Whether it’s multi-site, video venues, internet campuses, the use of volunteers, building designs, children’s ministry, small groups, or how to deliver community ministry and address social justice issues, you’ve shown us a better way to do it.  We can’t wait to see what you come up with next!   

NextGen leaders, we are all rooting for you!  We want you to soar!!  We want you to win!!  We want you to change the world!! 

And here’s what we’re going to do to help you – We’ll give you money and fund your dreams!  We’ll pray for you!  We’ll give you advice but only when you ask!  And every time we watch a life-changing cardboard testimony or baptism, we will smile with pride.  We will smile because God is doing far more in your generation than we ever allowed Him to do in ours.  And we couldn’t be happier!

NextGen Leaders, we are all rooting for you!!  You are doing a great job making the name of Jesus famous!!

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.