10 Leadership Styles In 2011 You Need To Know

2011 has seen a seismic shift in leadership styles.  As with all shifts, there are examples of ground-breaking, innovative techniques while also contrasted by demonstrations of maddening approaches to people and the navigation of projects.

The 10 Leadership Styles are the following:

  • The Champion – This type of leader not only recognizes the value of those on his/her team, but helps them understand their individual platforms.  The Champion Leader then goes a step further and helps increase their individual visibility.  This leader is not afraid of losing the employee as they understand that with the employee’s increased visibility comes increased visibility for the organization.
  • The Creationist – Many leaders have good ideas.  However, a good idea unrealized is a daydream.  You cannot have creativity without creation.  The Creationist Leader not only has quality ideas, but also the ability to see them realized.
  • The Friend – Relationships is the new currency of great organizations.  Relational leaders are best positioned to not only attract and retain quality talent, but to also increase their client base.  People skills are more important than education or skill.
  • The Galactus – Galactus is the famous villain from the Fantastic Four sequel that roamed the universe finding planets and devouring all their natural resources.  In a modern leadership environment where windows of opportunity are perceived to be small, many leaders simply use their people for whatever they can get out of them and discard them.  They are Galactus Leaders.
  • The Ghost – This type of leader disappears during critical times.  They have limited influence simply because they do not produce when their teams need them the most.  They have no answers or solutions.  Can you say LeBron James?
  • The Newt Gingrich – This type of leader is the smartest person in the room but unfortunately no one seems to like you.
  • The Optimist – The Optimist Leader makes you think and believe anything is possible.  They have a positive energy that draws the people and resources needed to accomplish great things.  Nothing positive happens in the modern economy with optimism.  You feel like you can accomplish anything with the Optimist Leader in charge.
  • The Ruckus Raiser – This type of leader simply makes things happen.  Their catalytic energy, passion, and artistic desire to make a difference makes them distinctive from all others.
  • The Social Media – This is particularly true in churches.  Churches have traditionally had three types of leaders – Positional, Non-Positional, and Financial.  This past year I saw a fourth leader rise to the surface.  The Social Media leader understands and has the ability to multiply mission and vision through vehicles such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • The Vampire – The Vampire Leader cannot see themselves in the mirror.  They feel they are perfect and if something ever goes wrong, it clearly was someone else’s fault.  They lead by fear and literally drain the life out of those they are supposed to serve.  Their workspace always seems to be dark.  They seem to have no soul.

Leaders, do any of these styles describe you or anyone you know?  What other styles would you include in this list?

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.