7 Keys To Help Pastors And Churches Regain Lost Momentum

When I was a freshman in high school, I remember my dad and step-mother taking the family out for their anniversary dinner.  They could never settle on a place and ultimately got into the dreaded back-and-forth “I don’t care, you pick” argument.  The kids finally decided on Wendy’s.

That story tells a lot about the options in our town, the planning and romance of my dad, and the fact that back in 1981 Wendy’s was a BIG deal and their food was considerably better than McDonald’s or Burger King.  “Where’s the beef” would become an American catch-phrase.

Since that time Wendy’s has been reduced to a level of mediocrity.  However, new CEO Emil Brolick is attempting to reverse the fast food chain’s fortunes.  Like Wendy’s, is your church’s greatest days behind you?  If so, you need to hear what is currently being said by their new leader.

Brolick was interviewed in the October 18th USA Today and his comments contained some great leadership insights.  All the quotes listed are from Brolick.  To read the full interview click here.

  • Regardless Of Your Leadership Structure, Understand The Senior Pastor Is The 2nd Most Important Person On Sunday – “I’m a big believer in the importance of leadership in an organization.  My leadership can make a difference in this brand.”   Pastor, you may be in an elder or congregationally run church.  However, the congregation looks to you each week to tell them what God thinks about the issues of their life.  BTW, the visitor is your church’s most important person on Sunday. 
  • Define Reality – “I have a simple formula: Have a vision, a strategy, define reality, give hope and execute.  A leader has to bring vision to an organizaiton, because an organization works best when you have an end in mind.  Vision is great, but if you don’t have a strategies, people get frustrated quickly.  A leader has to define reality and give hope.”
  • Honor The Past But Focus On The Future – “We have to focus more on looking out the windshield than the rearview mirror.”  If you buried more people than you baptized last year, if Homecoming was the highlight of your year, or you still talk about the “good ole days”, you’re in trouble. 
  • Effective Church Leaders Have Consumer Instincts.  They Know The Issues Their Congregations Face and Address Them – “While not highly educated in a formal sense, he (founder Dave Thomas) had some of the best consumer instincts I’ve ever seen.”
  • Mission and Vision Must Be Clear, Crisp and Compelling – “The consumer senses that this is a brand that lacks clarity.  Consumers like brands with clear positions.”
  • Great Churches Are Relevant – “We have to reinvent our restaurant base to maintain relevance.”
  • Make Your Services Memorable and Connect Emotionally With Those They Serve – “My job is to build an emotional attachment to the consumer.”  Are your services memorable?  Is there a God-moment, a defining moment that happens each week?

Brolick is Wendy’s sixth CEO since 1995 so it remains to be seen if he can recapture the company’s premier standing in the fast food industry.  I’ll say this – he talks a good game.  The question is - does your church only talk a good game, or are you making an eternal impact in the community you reside?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.