25 Leadership Expectations

Self-leadership is something that all great leaders must be able to do.  The reason for this is because the toughest person that you will ever lead is yourself. 

The following is a list of expectations I have for myself as a leader.  I hope it inspires you to make your own list and that you share it with the readers of this site.

  1. As a leader, I want to use whatever platform I’ve been given to change the world. 
  2. I want impact thousands for Christ in a positive way.  
  3. I want to make a HUGE difference. 
  4. I want to write a memorable book. 
  5. I want to leave a legacy not written just on paper but also on as many human hearts as possible. 
  6. I want to laugh until my side hurts.
  7. I want several friends for a lifetime.  
  8. I want to be part of great leadership teams.
  9. I want to invent things and create resources that help other leaders.
  10. I want to be grateful because of what God used me to do but frustrated because I couldn’t do more. 
  11. I want God to tell an amazing story through my leadership. 
  12. I want to make great memories.
  13. I want my life to be lived in such a way that if I get hit by the proverbial bus, not only do people say, “He was a nice guy.  Boy, does my heart break for wife and daughter.  I’ll miss him. Etc….”  I want them to say, “My heavens, my life will not be as good because he’s not here anymore!!!”
  14. I want to end well.
  15. I want to do something GREAT!!! 
  16. I want to write big checks for great causes. 
  17. I want others to be glad to see me.
  18. I want my heart to break for those with broken hearts.
  19. I want to provide solutions to social problems.
  20. I want to be visible.
  21. I want the passion to do something great. 
  22. I want the capacity to do something great. 
  23. I want the skills and insights needed to do something great. 
  24. I want the courage to risk to do something great. 
  25. And if I fail trying to do something great, then I want to fail big because that is an appropriate price for the opportunity to do something MEMORABLE.

That is my expectation of myself as a leader.  Are you with me?

What are you expecting from yourself?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.