10 Things Pastors And Church Staff Need To Know About Leading Leaders

As an elder in my church, I have been giving a lot of thought lately to leading leaders.  What are the leaders in our church thinking?  Are they attached to our vision?  What are their needs?  What are their dreams?  What is frustrating them?  If they could do anything at our church that would give them incredible fulfillment, what would that be?  What are the obstacles that need to be removed from making that happen?  That’s where my head is at.  

I have had the privilege of spending the last 25 years as a high-capacity church volunteer.  I have served under some great leaders.  Unfortunately, I have also served under some that were frustrating at best.

I have also served alongside some incredibly successful business leaders.  I also want to point out that I have learned much from both male and female leaders.  Utilizing my experiences as well as those closest to me, the following are my observations on successfully leading leaders.

  1. Build Personal Relationships With Leaders – When dealing with leaders, the main thing pastors can do is be their pastor.  Care about them.  Pray for them.  Be their friend.  Everyone wants something from leaders.  Be the one person who wants nothing from them.  Be the person what wants something for them.
  2. Leaders Want Influence, Not Position – Many church leaders think if you give a leader a place in the nursery or parking lot that that is sufficient.  Sometimes yes but oftentimes this is a mistake.  Leaders want influence.
  3. Give Leaders Something Meaningful To Do - Leaders are very busy people.  They often have important jobs and many people depending on them.  Their most valuable commodity is time.  Don’t waste it.  If you call a meeting, please ensure that the meeting centers on the fulfillment and advancement of vision and that decisions are made that serve people.
  4. Make Leaders Insiders – Leaders do not like to be surprised.
  5. Value Their Opinion - If you request information, you are responsible for it.  Leaders think you wasted their time or that “you just don’t get it” if you reject or minimize their thoughts.
  6. Deliver Relevant Resources To Your Leaders - Frequently in my leadership journey pastors have given me a book or tape/cd that improved my leadership.  I still have many of them to this date.  Quick tip – don’t give resources but deliver them.  What’s the difference?  Giving a resouce says, “Here’s a book.  I hope you enjoy it.”  Delivering it says, “Here’s a book written by John Maxwell.  There is a great chapter on the Elevator Principle that I think applies to what you are facing.  Read that chapter and let’s discuss.”  See the difference.  That’s investment. 
  7. Give Your Leaders Memorable Experiences (Epic Events) - Take your leaders to church growth conferences.  Go on a weekend golfing trip to deepen the relationship.  Go to a ball game together.  Take your leaders on trips that show them where their money is going.  Expand their horizons.
  8. Prioritize Speaking To Your Leaders At Church - Walk slowly through the crowd.  Don’t marginalize your leaders.
  9. Value What Your Leaders Value - Nothing means more to me as a leader than when people ask me about my wife and daughter.  What is an easy way to discover what is important to your leaders?  Where is the best place to do recon? One word - Facebook!
  10. Continually Communicate Your Leaders’ Contribution To Vision Becoming Reality - Count what counts.  Leaders want to know their lives are making a difference.  The staff of NorthStar Church would always tell me how many people got saved in our services.  As a leader in the hospitality ministry, they always linked our team’s contribution back to eternal impact.

Feel free to add any additional thoughts you may have on leading leaders.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.