The Top Challenge Facing Christian Leaders Over The Age Of 40

The top challenge facing Christian leaders over the age of 40 is cynicism.  Let me explain.

As a 45-year-old man who has been in various levels of Christian leadership for over half my life, I have seen many things that can make me cynical.

  • I have seen great pastors prepare and prepare and prepare to hear from God and feed their churches spiritual food on Sunday only to have people debate the message.
  • I have seen countless people treat parking and hospitality workers rudely only to turn on the charm when they see the pastor.
  • I have seen multiple business leaders lie and treat their employees like sub-standard citizens but be in Christian leadership at their church.
  • I have seen Boards and committees treat Godly staff horribly.
  • I have seen pastors rule with an iron fist.
  • I have seen people treat their spouses, children, and others rudely in the lobby but raise their hands in worship in the sanctuary.
  • I have seen many high-capacity volunteers quit leading because staff disrespect and marginalize them.
  • I have seen God bless people with financial abundance who have poor character.
  • I have seen people pray fervently for years for the physical healing of a family member only to see that person pass away.
  • I have seen pastors forced to resign because their churches did not have the insight to know what a treasure they had.
  • I have seen dozens of marriages end in divorce.
  • I have seen older Christians allow their churches to die rather than change ministry to reach the next generation.

I have seen all of this and if you are over 40, you probably have also.


  • I have also seen people find meaning and purpose in the new life provided by Jesus Christ.
  • I have also seen great Godly leadership.
  • I have also seen Godly leaders who inspire me to be a better husband and father.
  • I have also seen incredible acts of generosity.
  • I have also seen strong, powerful men weep as they baptized their children.
  • I have also seen addictions broken.
  • I have also seen hundreds of people find hope.
  • I have also seen cultural and ethnic divides broken down.
  • I have also seen other men come alongside of me and pray for me, speak into my life, encourage me, and tell me things that got me through a day.
  • I have also seen people healed.
  • I have also seen miracles.
  • I have also seen dozens of people surround someone hurting and encourage them.
  • I have also seen the power of sacrifice.
  • I have also seen directionless people find their place in this world.
  • I have also seen evil overcome by good.
  • I have also seen light overcome darkness.
  • I have also seen people’s past forgiven.  See the video above.
  • I have also seen people amist great suffering not deny their faith.
  • I have also seen Godly people finish their lives very, very well.

Someone once told me that the local church is like Noah’s Ark.  With all those animals in that confined area, it was probably messy and smelled really bad.  But the safety of the Ark sure beat what was on the outside.

There is an importance to remembering and journaling.  When the demon of cynicism rears its ugly head, we are able to look back and see the faithfulness of God in our lives.  Remember that next time you feel the temptation to get cynical about whatever you are facing.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.