12 Books Every Christian Leader Should Read In 2012

I often have people send me notes asking for books that will help them develop as leaders.  I love that question because leaders are learners.  Because many of you may have the same question, let me suggest some great resources and help you develop a personal growth plan for 2012.

One book will be suggested for each month of the year with each month building upon the next.  The first half of the year deals with Leader Development.  In other words, God’s work within you.  The second half deals with Leadership Development which speaks to your specific God-given assignment as a Christian and church leader. 

None of these should replace your personal Bible study because it is the best leadership book ever written.  These should supplement and help you craft a personal growth plan.  I have provided an easy link to Amazon for each of these classics.

  1. January – Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders – The most foundational book I’ve read because it incorporates spiritual growth, prayer, strategy, and biblical worldview.  This book was also instrumental in the development of many of today’s most famous Christian leaders.  It was Sanders who introduced the phrase “Leadership Is Influence.”
  2. February – The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership by John Maxwell – The defining work of the most renowned leadership teacher of my generation.  There is no issue you will face as a leader that is not addressed by this book.
  3. March – Leadership As An Identity by Crawford Loritts – I’ve read dozens of leadership books in my life but never one that so effectively deals with what God wants to do inside my heart as this book.  Also, this book does the best job I’ve seen at properly framing our leadership struggles and failures.
  4. April – Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy – This book opens with Dungy being fired by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and walks unfiltered through the life of this incredible leader.  The most inspirational leadership book I’ve ever read. 
  5. May – Thinking For A Change by John Maxwell – This is John’s most underrated book.  His premise is the difference between successful and unsuccessful people is how they think.  He then provides 8 thinking skills that all leaders can easily utilize.
  6. June - Funded And Free by Joe Sangl and Casey Graham – Great leaders are generous.  This is an easy read but packs more practical information for pastors and church leaders on the subject of money and possessions than any book I’ve read.
  7. July – Killing Cockroaches by Tony Morgan – Absolutely the finest book on church leadership I’ve ever read – bar none.  I go to very few meetings without doing some research in this book prior.
  8. August – Tribes by Seth Godin – If no one is following you, you are not the leader.  No book helps us understand how to develop a following in this digital age better than Seth’s masterpiece.
  9. September – Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley – I am the father of a teenage leader.  Great leaders are concerned about organizational sustainability and reaching the next generation.  Andy’s book is the best at giving me the insights needed to best serve those I will one-day hand the leadership baton off to.
  10. October – Bloodlines by John Piper – Finally, a book that addresses our country’s racism from a proper theological perspective.  Also, as church services are becoming more diverse, we should be more aware of the thought processes and feelings of those in difference races.
  11. November – Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels – About a decade ago, Hybels delivered one classic message after another at the Willow conferences.  This book recaps those teachings and gives every leader the broad-based learnings needed to fulfill their assignment.
  12. December – Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears – Many may say this should be the first book you should read.  They are probably correct but I saved the heaviest lifting for last.  If you have not completed your seminary training, this book will do just fine.

I hope this list helps you.  What additional books would you recommend?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.