20 Things Anyone Can Do This Christmas To Promote Civility And Kindness

We are angry as a society.  Maybe it’s that we are impatient and have no margin.  Maybe we are just selfish.  Maybe we are seeing the results of the breakdown of the family.  Maybe at our core we are scared and insecure.  Maybe we know that to most people and businesses we are simply commodities that if we don’t produce, we’re gone.  Next man, or woman, up.  Maybe this is the result of asking God not to be part of our lives.  Maybe it’s all of these.  Maybe it’s none of these. 

All I know is that we are angry as people.

There is a very popular commercial right now that shows a series of individuals being nice to one another.  One of the examples is someone opening the door for a blind lady.  I thought to myself, “Has the bar been lowered so much that opening the door for the blind is now commercial worthy?”  Maybe so when you look at the chaos on Black Friday.

We need a return to civility and kindness but what does that look like?

  1. It’s saying Merry Christmas“.
  2. It’s saying “Yes sir”, “No sir”, “Yes ma’am”, and “No ma’am”.
  3. It’s apologizing and saying “I was wrong.”
  4. It’s when a man or minor gives up their chair in restaurant while waiting for a table.
  5. It’s difusing a potentially volatile situation by saying, “That’s OK.  Mistakes happen.”
  6. It’s saying “Can I help you?”
  7. It’s tipping a server 20% even if the service isn’t great.  For the record, if you pray before a meal, you give up the right to complain or tip less than 20%.
  8. It’s mowing your neighbor’s lawn when they are struggling.
  9. It’s taking a meal to a sick person or someone who has experienced a loss.
  10. It’s opening a door for someone, smiling and saying, “Go ahead.”
  11. It’s not honking your horn.  It’s just driving on.
  12. It’s respecting our differences.
  13. It’s shaking a hand.
  14. It’s saying “Good morning.”  I know people who can’t even do that.
  15. It’s respecting those older than you.
  16. It’s seeing the best in others.
  17. It’s showing compassion.
  18. It’s forgiving a debt.
  19. It’s giving someone a little of your time.
  20. It’s saying “Thank You.“  Not just in words but also sending a hand-written note.

These are practical things we all can do this Christmas season.  Kind people, nice people really stand out.  This is really unfortunate when you think about it because they are so few people who practice what’s listed above.

Maybe that will change.  I hope so because there are few things are appealing as simply being kind.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.