The Intoxication Of Leadership And What It Can Rob You Of

Bill Cowher tells Joe Posnanski in the December 19th edition of Sports Illustrated a statement Bill Parcells once said to him:

“You start out coaching, and you think it is a big part of your life.  And then, after a while, you realize that it is your life.”

Leadership is intoxicating and can become all-consuming.  The following thrills often cannot be duplicated in other areas of a leader’s life:

  • The thrill of seeing a vision that must be accomplished.
  • The excitement of seeing vision become reality.
  • Significant accomplishment.
  • Your own team that is fully supportive.
  • Securing the big sale or contract.
  • Organizational growth.
  • The camaraderie of an inner-circle.
  • Making a real difference in the lives of hundreds or thousands of people.
  • Leaving a legacy.
  • Going to exciting places.
  • Expense accounts.
  • Immediate feedback.
  • The roar of the crowd, applause, acclaim, and awards.
  • Adrenalin.
  • Winning.
  • Making money.

Unknowingly, this can become your life.  Sometimes it has become mine.

This will sound counter intuitive but leadership is not your life.  It is a great calling that accomplishes amazing things in the lives of people but its trappings should not consume you.

My greatest calling, the leadership role that consumes me, is as husband and father.  And my greatest joys often take place in secret, shared only by my wife, my daughter and I.

The chaotic nature of the Christmas season is now starting to wind down.  It will be a quiet night at the Dodd household.  No work tomorrow.  No projects to accomplish.  All the gifts are bought and wrapped.  Now it’s just two Christmas Eve church services and family.

I now have the time and space to do some reflection.  I will think about many things tonight.  But the thing I will be most grateful for as a leader is that I have the best wife and daughter in the world.  My greatest joy is serving them.  Nothing gives me greater satisfaction or replenishes me more.

If your leadership responsibilities have robbed you of your affections for your family this year, take some time over the next few days, give yourself a gift, and re prioritize.

It’s going to be a wonderful Christmas.  I hope you have a wonderful, Christ-filled Merry Christmas as well.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.