7 Surprising Roadblocks To Fulfilling Your Mission In 2012

Resistance is a natural companion of leaders.  Leadership assumes opposition.  It assumes breaking new ground and overcoming obstacles.  Challenge and “being in over our heads” is where we live as leaders.

To have a successful 2012 leaders need awareness and not be naive.  The following are seven surprising roadblocks provided by my Senior Pastor Crawford Loritts along with supporting comments (some counter-intuitive) that are vital for all leaders to integrate into their lives.

1.  The Future

  • In the Bible, the parents of Moses believed God had something more special for their baby than death.
  • Leaders don’t acquiesce or back down.
  • Homes should be the first leadership classroom.
  • Don’t let the unknown frighten you.  God is always taking Christian leaders to a better place than where they are.

2.  Privilege and Comfort

  • True leadership holds the right values.  Circumstances, even good ones, aren’t superior to leaders with character.

3.  Security

  • Avoid people pleasing.  You cannot lead people you are afraid of.

4.  Disobedience

  • Christian leaders do not have the prerogative to do God’s work their own way.
  • Pride and fear are the two reasons leaders do not obey God.
  • The very thing God is telling you to do as a leader may save your leadership or your life.

5.  Doom or Dread

  • Christian leaders should always remember that God is fighting for them.

6.  Logic

  • Christian leaders to be cognisant that sometimes God does not make sense to us but makes sense to himself.
  • Andy Stanley tells us that “Leadership is stewardship.  It is temporary.”  God may change His leader but not His mode of operation.

7.  Our Past

  • We are often in a prison of shame from past mistakes.  Christian leaders need to remember that the cross takes care of this guilt.

As a leader, which of these seven roadblocks do you need to confront in 2012?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.