6 Reasons The Best Leaders Have Personal Coaches

New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is arguably the best at his position in the NFL and one of the top 5 of all-time.  However, even though he led his team to a 23-20 win over the Baltimore Ravens and the right to play in Super Bowl XLVI, his performance did not meet his normal standards of excellence.  Brady completed 22 of 36 passes but had two interceptions and no touchdowns.  In addition, he missed several open receivers. 

Leaders like Brady do not rest on previous accomplishments.  There is a holy unrest that does not accept plateaued or sub-par performance.  As a result, Jim Corbett reports in today’s USA Today that Brady immediately texted his long-time “throwing coach” Tom Martinez for assistance.

Even though Brady is as talented as anyone in the game, he understands and values the benefits he receives from personal coaching.  The following are the leadership lessons I gleaned from Corbett’s report.  These insights are critical for all leaders to learn and apply so they can reach their maximum potential.  To read the full article, click here.

  1. Personal Coaching Forces You To Focus On Fundamentals – Martinez helps Brady with his mechanics.  Effective leadership always returns to the basics.
  2. Personal Coaching Assists You In Achieving Personal Goals – Matinez said, “Winning Super Bowls are what Tom plays for.”  He coaches him to achieve that objective.
  3. Personal Coaching Compounds Value Over Time – Martinez has been Brady’s throwing coach since age 13.  For personal coaching to be as effective as possible, it must be done over an extended period of time.
  4. Personal Coaching Values Little Things – Two weeks prior to the Ravens game, Martinez coached Brady on properly doing a quarterback dive in goal line situations.  This proactive coaching resulted in a 4th quarter touchdown play against the Ravens.  What small thing can you do as a leader today that will yield HUGE results tomorrow?
  5. Personal Coaching Produces Better Results – Two weeks prior to the season opener against the Miami Dolphins, Martinez made a slight tweak in Brady’s delivery.  The result was a 517 yard passing performance in a 38-24 victory.  If your church or organization is not achieving the results you desire, try bringing in a personal coach.
  6. Personal Coaching Brings Confidence And Security – Martinez is a security blanket for Brady.  The best personal coaches operate on a relational foundation.  They care about you and your success.  This brings leaders tremendous comfort and confidence.

If Tom Brady, the winner of three Super Bowls is this passionate about personal coaching, then the rest of us should as well. 

Fundamentals, Personal Goals, Compounded Value, Little Things, Better Results, and Confidence.  You may be a great leader.  But if you want to see these six qualities become reality, hire a personal coach.    

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.