Today My Dad Passed Away

At approximately 1:00 PM EST today, my dad, Ed Dodd, passed away.  Obviously, this is a very sad day for my family.  In preparation for the memorial service, we have been asked to write down our best memories of my dad.

Though very raw emotionally and not well thought out, here are my thoughts of Dad and how I will honor him this weekend:

  1. Dad taught me to always be polite.  I still say, “Yes Sir” and “Yes Ma’am” to people older than me to this day.
  2. Dad taught me to always be honest.  Tell the truth so if nothing else, people can at least trust you.
  3. Dad taught me to never be late so I would not waste someone else’s time or make them worry.
  4. Dad taught me the meaning of hard work.
  5. Dad taught me that whatever I do, do it with excellence.
  6. Dad taught me how to study hard.
  7. Dad taught me how to fish.
  8. Dad taught me how to play baseball and how to ride a bike.
  9. Dad taught me to drive safely and that a car used improperly “is a 2,000 lb. killing machine.”
  10. Dad taught me how to manage money.
  11. Dad taught me responsibility.
  12. Dad taught me organizational skills.
  13. Dad thought the world of my wife and daughter.
  14. Dad went the extra mile caring for his ailing mother (my grandmother) who died last year.
  15. Dad taught me that little things (like how you edge the yard of wax your car) make a big difference.
  16. Dad gave me my first job which was cleaning his office at Curtis Mathes.
  17. Dad taught me how to deal with difficult personalities.
  18. Dad taught me perseverance.
  19. Dad taught me to always keep my commitments and to finish whatever I start.
  20. Dad taught me to finish well.

That’s my dad.  If you’re reading this post or think about this weekend, say a prayer for the family of Ed Dodd.  We would appreciate it.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.