9 Leadership Quotes From Jack Dorsey – The Inventor Of Twitter And Founder Of Square

“It’s empowering to be asked to look at what’s possible, not told how to do it.” – Jack Dorsey

Whether you are in leadership in a church, non-profit, sports team, school, or business, we all want to make a difference with our one and only life.  We want to look at what is possible and remove the barriers preventing significance and expanded influence.

That is why I love Square which was founded by Twitter’s inventor Jack Dorsey.  For those of you unfamiliar with Square,  it allows users to accept credit cards anywhere by using a credit card reader that plugs into your phone or iPad.  This company was just selected as Fast Company magazine’s 5th Most Innovative Companyin its March 2012 edition. 

The following are the leadership quotes and principles from the magazine’s profile of Dorsey. As a leader of two of the world’s most influential companies, you will want to know how this man thinks and prioritizes his activities.  Trust me, his thoughts and viewpoints are quite unique.

  1. The Importance Of Little Things – “As CEO, my main job is editor-in-chief.” – What Dorsey is referring to is the importance of paying attention to everyday details.
  2. Scaling Positive Experiences – “If we can perfect one experience for one individual, we can scale to every single one of the 7 billion people now inhabiting this earth.”
  3. Themed Days – “All my days are themed.  Monday is management…Tuesday is product, engineering, and design.  Wednesday is marketing, growth, and communications.  Thursday is partnership and developers.  Friday is company and culture…On the days beginning with T, I start at Twitter in the morning, then go to Square in the afternoon.  Sundays are for strategy…Saturday is a day off.”
  4. Build For Collaboration – “Conference rooms are glass, [semiprivate] cubes have one side that is open.  We are one big open office.”
  5. Construct Creativity – “Everything we do is about getting people to be more open, more creative, more courageous.”
  6. Empowerment – “It’s empowering to be asked to look at what’s possible, not told how to do it.”
  7. Think Excellence – “He wants us to think about what makes us excellent, and what make a product excellent.” – engineer William Henderson
  8. Make A Global Difference – “By inventing Twitter, Jack may have well brought down dictators in North Africa and the Middle East.” – investor Richard Branson
  9. Focused Brilliance – “I do wonder if his talents are wasted running two companies.  Perhaps he should let other people run the companies and use his brilliant brain to start more companies and create even more jobs.” – Branson

The Importance Of Little Things.  Scaling Positive Experience.  Themed Days.  Build For Collaboration.  Construct Creativity.  Empowerment.  Think Excellence.  Make A Global Difference.  Focused Brilliance. 

If you plan to integrate and prioritize these nine principles, you will see exponential growth in your ability to innovate as a leader.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.