Are You Happy To Be A Pastor Or In Christian Leadership?

“I was afraid God was going to make me a preacher. Mine didn’t seem to have much fun.” – Kevin Costner

Like millions, I watched large portions of the Whitney Houston funeral today.  They did a great job honoring her life and I think Whitney must have loved the service looking down from Heaven.

However, a comment by one of the speakers floored me.  Kevin Costner, Houston’s co-star in The Bodyguard, said, “I was afraid God was going to make me a preacher. Mine didn’t seem to have much fun.”  

Leadership should be a destination others wish to arrive, even at church.  Do you want to be like your pastor?  Would you trade places with him/her today if you could?  Sadly, as a child Costner did not want to end up like his.

Let’s not be naive.  Nowhere in the Bible, from the Table of Contents to Maps, do I read where God called anyone to an easy task.  But do you have joy?  Is there peace in your life because you are fulfilling your calling?

I love pastors and church staff.  My heart goes out to them for the following reasons:

  1. They have given their lives to rescue people from hell.
  2. They have given their lives to give people hope and meaning in their lives.
  3. They preside over the landmark events in our life – weddings, funerals, and baptisms.
  4. Most are educated and well-trained but then evaluated by people with absolutely no training in spiritual matters.
  5. Most are grossly underpaid.
  6. Most could make quite a bit more money doing something else. 
  7. Most would never dream of doing something else.
  8. Their wives and children live in glass houses and face largely unrealistic expectations.
  9. Many don’t have people in their churches they can trust.
  10. When something goes wrong in a person’s life, they are usually the first people we turn to.

Being a pastor is a noble calling.  The average person simply has no concept about how hard the job is.  Because of this reality, Costner is right.  Many pastors don’t look like they have joy or are having fun.

Pastors and church leaders, I want to ask some questions:

  • Are you having fun?
  • Do you love what you do? 
  • If all things were equal, would you rather be doing something else?

I sure hope not.  Pastors and church leaders, we love you!  We are grateful for all you do!  And we need you desperately!

After hearing Costner’s comments, I am committing to pray for church leaders more fervently each day.  And one of the things I will be praying is that pastoring will become so attractive to those sitting in our churches that young people could think of doing nothing else when they grow up.

With my job at Injoy Stewardship Solutions and as an elder of Fellowship Bible Church, I am privileged to serve pastors and church leaders on a daily basis.  I count that privilege as a noble calling as well.  If I can ever serve any Christian leader reading this site in any way, please let me know.    

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.