8 Practices Churches Can Learn From The Most Innovative Companies In The World

In the March edition of Fast Company magazine, the world’s 50 most innovative companies are profiled.  Editor Robert Safian has identified eight central behaviors that can be identified as common threads running between these organizations.

Pastors and church leaders, read the list below and see what you can begin to implement into your leadership today:

  1. Growth should be a tactic, not a strategy.  As Howard Schultz of Starbucks says, “Profit as a singular goal is a fairly shallow aspiration, and it’s not enduring.”
  2. Big companies (churches) need to be as nimble as start-ups.  Fast growing churches are largely staff led.  The ability to make quick decisions and implement them allows already successful churches to continue to advance.  
  3. Tech is disruptive in unexpected places.  How are you using technology to advance ministry?
  4. Design is a competitive advantage.  We are a visual society.  Does your facilities and services have the “wow factor”?
  5. Social media makes products and services better.  There are four types of leaders in every church – Positional, Non-Positional, Financial, and Social Media.  Social Media leaders have the ability to multiply vision to an audience you are currently not reaching.
  6. Data is power.  Understanding the right numbers in your church will make you a more effective leader.  One the greatest problems a leader faces is to properly identify the real problem.  The solutions become obvious.
  7. Money is flowing.  Do you have online giving, recurring giving, and kiosks in your lobby? 
  8. Copycats are history.  Do you foster and celebrate entrepreneurialism in your staff and volunteers?

What are you doing as a church to stay innovative and better connect people to the heart of God?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.