The 25 Greatest Leadership Quotes On Cross-Cultural, Multi-Racial, Multi-Generational Ministry I’ve Ever Heard

Today I was exposed to the finest teaching on effectively delivering cross-cultural, multi-racial, and multi-generational ministry that I’ve ever heard from Pastor Derwin Gray of the incredible Transformation Church located in Rock Hill, SC. 

Pastor Gray is an absolutely AMAZING leader!!!  As a former NFL player and now pastor, he is being used by God to serve others and transform the way we view those around us, especially those who might look different than we do.

Before you read his quotes, you need to get to know this dear man.

His website and Twitter site @Derwinlgray are two must-haves for any Christian leader.  Also, I’ve just received a copy of his book Hero.  I suggest you pick up a copy as well at

This is not an over-exaggeration that I am about to give you.  I have been going to breakout sessions at conferences since 1997.  His session today was the best I’ve ever heard and I want to make it available to you.  Click here and register to download it and other incredible sessions from the Velocity 2012 conference.  Now, on to the quotes: 

  • “If you’re starting something for God that doesn’t scare you, it is too small and too centered on man.”
  • “Your future activates your present.”
  • “If I don’t like my today, I need to look into the mirror because I shaped it yesterday.”
  • “A picture of the future transforms how we live in the present.”
  • “Don’t lust after another person’s miracle.”
  • “You know what a hot wife is.  A wife who Honors, Obeys, and Trusts God.”
  • “The NFL is the epitome of conditional love.”  He went on to add that God’s grace was the epitome of unconditional love.
  • “It’s better to be hurt attempting to love, than not to love at all.”
  • “Over 95% of bible-believing churches are segregated.”
  • “Churches are 10 times more segregated than the schools.  20 times more than neighborhoods.”
  • “What sense does it make to save people in segregated churches to go on to an integrated heaven.”
  • “Don’t be programmed.  When you preach the gospel, the people are ravaged by it.”
  • “Discipleship is not informational.  It’s transformational.”
  • “You must live the vision before you ask anyone else too.”
  • “Your vision must be taught over and over, and over, and over in everything!”
  • “Your vision must be the framing story that shapes your philosophy of leadership development.”
  • “People hear what they want to hear.  Is your vision written down not only on paper but also on their hearts?”
  • “Narrow your focus.  We accomplish a lot because we do a little.”
  • “It is easy to be critical.  It takes courage to create.”
  • “You must have a Clear, Compelling, and Challenging God-sized vision.”
  • “Great systems and processes will outpreach great preaching.”
  • “Are you servant leaders or self-serving leaders?”
  • “Does your vision bless other people’s lives?”
  • “Our (multi-generational, multi-ethnic) staff was built through prayer…It began on my knees.” 
  • “If you ever invite me to speak, don’t have someone carry my bags.”

Once again, download his message today!!! I want to hear your thoughts afterwards because you will not be the same as a person or leader after listening to his session. 

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.