FREE Solutions If You Are Tired Of Being Broke As A Church?

Are you tired of being broke as a church?  Are you tired of sweating every week’s offering?  Are you constantly praying for no snow not because it is unsafe for your people to travel, but because its impact on the offering?  Do you literally have no financial margin as a church?

Do you wish you could add that new staff member who could take your church to another level but you can’t afford him/her?  Does it just break your heart because you need new A/V equipment, an updated website, a great church consultant, new carpet, paint, or HVAC upgrades, but you simply just do not have any money?  $1,000 might as well just be a $1 million.

Pastors and church leaders, have you had enough?!  Well if so, and you are serious about fixing the problem, read on.  If not, just pick another post on this site to read because the following is for leaders who do not want just theory, but serious solutions they can use.

How much ministry can you do for $100?  The answer is…..$100 worth.  How much ministry can you do for $100,000?  The answer is $100,000 worth!

Ministry costs money and too many churches simply have no financial margin.  They are broke!  They are just like the families in their church.  Broke.  How much ministry can you do with no margin?  None.

It is time for many church leaders to take action to address this issue and there to help to be had.  On April 19th, Injoy Stewardship Solutions is putting on a FREE 1-day event in the Charlotte area to help churches FULLY-FUND vision.

There is no cost and no excuses.  Many generous partners of ISS have under-written the costs so everyone can come.  We have assembled an all-star lineup of some of the nation’s best Christian leaders who will teach from their own experience how to resource highly effective ministry.

Here are some of the speakers:

  • Perry Noble who has seen the amount given per person at NewSpring Church increase by $10 or more each of the last several years.
  • Bishop Walter Thomas of New Psalmist Baptist Church whose church completed a $55 million relocation during the worst economy since the Great Depression.
  • Casey Graham, Founder of and, who has helped thousands of churches increase their weekly giving.
  • Mike Madding of The Cove Church which had over 120 people give their life to Christ during the commitment phase of their capital campaign.
  • Clayton King, Founder and President of Crossroads Worldwide and Teaching Pastor at NewSpring Church, has led literally tens of thousands of people to Christ.
  • Joe Sangl, Owner of I Was Broke. Now I’m Not and Injoy Stewardship Solutions, who has thousands win with their personal finances.

Pastors and church leaders, we need you there.  The Kingdom needs you here.  Your church needs you here.  Your community needs you here.  Click here to sign you and your leadership team up TODAY!

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.