A Special Word Of Encouragment For Pastors And Church Staff

Ministry has an extraordinarily wide bandwidth.  It has unbelievable highs that you could never advantage.  It also has lows so painful that it makes you wonder why you have not traded in ministry for a career in sales.

Sometimes pastors and church staff get in to the details of ministry so deep they lose perspective.  They need to take a few steps back and look at all the good God has accomplished through them and their ministry.  Or they need someone with perspective to do that for them.  Today I had the privilege of doing that for a pastor.

This pastor was adding a third service, had a growing children’s department, was investing heavily in leadership and men, and needed more volunteers to support the growing ministry.  In addition, they have land, architectural renderings, and a builder.  He even had a large group within the church asking when they were moving forward.

The best part was people were being baptized this weekend.  They were going to have a real-life picture of dead people who were brought to life.

But I could sense that he desperately needed encouragement.  I said, “I don’t have the gift of discernment which means there is a 50/50 chance I could be wrong, but it feels like you just need to be encouraged today.”  He said that was true.  So that is what I did.  I encouraged this dear man.

It was easy to do because of all the good things happening at his church.  He just needed a different perspective.

I have thought a lot about that conversation today.  How many other pastors and church staff are having thriving ministries but just are not at a place mentally, emotionally, or spiritually to realize or enjoy it.

Pastors and church staff, if this describes you, I have two words for you – THANK YOU!!!!

On behalf of millions of people worldwide whom you serve, I want to deeply and sincerely say to all pastors and church staff, “THANK YOU!!!!”

  • I thank you for telling us what God thinks about the issues of our life.
  • I thank you for the countless hours you pray for those in your church.
  • I thank you for being a living example of what it means to love and seek Jesus.
  • I thank you for being there when we are hurting.
  • I thank you for the encouraging word you give us when we so desperately need it.
  • I thank you for the incredible amount of Bible study needed to deliver great sermons.
  • I thank you for respecting me by not dumbing down the truths of scripture.
  • I thank you for your generosity.
  • I thank you for your creativity and wonderfully surprising me.
  • I thank you for helping us discover our spiritual gifts so we can live a life of meaning and purpose.
  • I thank you for weathering the storm and putting up with people who do not appreciate you.
  • I thank you for challenging me to be a better husband and father.
  • I thank you for loving our children.
  • I thank you for being our friend.
  • I thank you for pointing us to Jesus.
  • I thank you for not quitting and showing back up every Sunday.

Pastors and church staff, thank you.  I mean it.  Because of your experience, your skill, your preparation, your sacrifice, your kind heart, and being faithful to your calling, our lives are better.  And we are deeply, deeply grateful.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.