What One African-American Church Is Doing To Reach The Hispanic Community

One of the great joys I have is being able to see the creative ideas that churches utilize to deliver ministry and reach their communities.  Today I spoke with a pastor who leads a predominantly African-American church just outside of Baltimore, MD.  The location of this church is also in an area with a large Hispanic community.  Because this church wants to desperately reach not only the world for Jesus Christ but every one of their neighbors, they had to figure out a way to cross this cultural divide and serve the Latino community.

The Jesus Film was created in 1979.  Since then, more than 200 million men, women and children worldwide have indicated decisions to follow Christ after watching this movie.  Rick Warren says, “The ‘JESUS’ film is the most effective evangelistic tool ever invented.”

Missionaries around the world have consistently used creative ways to gather a crowd and show this life-changing movie in their native languages such as taking advantage of the sides of cliffs, bed sheets, walls, and the sides of buildings.  And now a church in America is using the same strategy to reach their community right here at home.

This Baltimore-area church gets a mobile home and drives to under-resourced Hispanic neighborhoods.  They then use a projector and show The Jesus Film spoken in Spanish on the side of their mobile home!  They are seeing dozens and dozens of Latinos come to Christ!

I love this church’s creativity.  I love their desire to reach their neighbors for Christ, even if they do not look or speak like them.  I love the difference they are making.  I love that the strategies that have worked globally are being used here at home.  I love that they are seeing lives changed and people given hope, meaning, and purpose.  I love what only Jesus Christ can do.

If there is a Latino community or another people group located near your church, consider the practices of this African-American church and show The Jesus Film.  It may be the best tool you can use to reach your community.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.