25 Ways Our Community Would Be Different If Our Church Ceased To Exist

Countless times in my life I have been to conferences or been in meetings and heard consultants say, “How would your community be different if tomorrow your church or business ceased to exist?”  You know what I have never heard?  Someone actually provide a line-item, detailed answer.

This would be better answered  in the context of a team or congregational survey, but I am going to tell you how I feel the city of Roswell, GA would be different without Fellowship Bible Church (FBC).

  1. Approximately 2,000 people would need to find a new faith community.
  2. The quality of preaching and bible teaching in our community would drop dramatically.
  3. In our Senior Pastor Crawford Loritts, many men would lose a picture of what a GREAT, GODLY leader looks like.
  4. Hundreds of children may not have anyone to tell them how special they are and that Jesus loves them.
  5. Dozens of unemployed individuals would no longer receive the financial relief and support FBC provides.
  6. Hundreds of personal relationships would be severely damaged.
  7. Dozens of single adults would lose a sense of family and community.
  8. Hispanic apartment complexes near our church would not be ministered to.
  9. Two local schools would lose sponsorship and support.
  10. Hundreds of former volunteers would temporarily live a less-fulfilling life.
  11. Over 50 church staff would be unemployed.
  12. Marriages would not be as strong.
  13. The people of our city would not be as emotionally or psychologically healthy.
  14. Hundreds of people would not be experiencing financial freedom.
  15. Many physically sick people would not be encouraged and prayed for.
  16. Dozens of artists would lose a healthy outlet to utilize their talents.
  17. Many who have hunger or clothing needs would not be served.
  18. A community playground would no longer serve families.
  19. Our community would be more segregated because one of the few places where whites, African-Americans, and Hispanics can freely worship together would no longer exist.
  20. Tragedies in our community would lose a number of immediate responders.
  21. Our government officials would lose trusted friends.
  22. High school and middle schoolers would need to locate a new source of leadership training.
  23. Those who are broken would lose people who love them, support them, and cry with them.
  24. Fewer people in our community would have a biblical worldview.
  25. Hundreds of people would simply lose hope because a place of permanence would have been uprooted.

My family would find another good church.  It is North Atlanta after all and the Kingdom of God is not dependent on any one church.  The Kingdom is always advancing.  But losing Fellowship Bible Church would leave a big hole in Roswell, GA.  And a big hole in my heart.

Take a moment and write some thoughts down on how your community would be different if your church ceased to exist.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.