What Causes And People I Financially Support And Why

I have always been told that “April showers bring May flowers.”  As I have gotten older, I have discovered that it still rains in the month of May.  It is a literal downpour of people requesting financial support.  The month of May is when we get graduation announcements and numerous requests to help people pay for summer camps, mission trips, and Vacation Bible School.  In addition to those summer activities, there are the ongoing requests from countless worthy causes.

Tonight, my wife and I will sit down, lay out all of the requests, and prayerfully decide who we can support and at what level.  I want to give you a window into our decision process concerning the allocation of resources.  Here are a few fundamental thoughts to our giving:

  • Giving is an absolute privilege and an honor!
  • My church gets a 10% of my gross earnings before anything or anyone else.  I give a tithe, a first fruits of my resources.  This is non-negotiable and what I view as a responsibility gift.
  • All of the causes presented to me are extremely worthwhile and I wish I could wholeheartedly support every one.
  • Various people and organizations have gotten very, very good at illustrating the compelling nature of their cause.
  • There are some organizations we already support on a monthly basis.
  • There is only so much money in the Dodd household to distribute.

With that as the foundation, here is the decision grid on who will be the beneficiary of our family’s resources:

  • Has the person or organization made an impact in my daughter’s life?  I value those the most who value what I value the most.
  • Do we have a personal relationship?  I want to bless my friends.
  • Has my family been blessed by your ministry or organization?  Have you made an investment in our lives?
  • Are children being helped?  Can I help the helpless?
  • Are single moms or abused women being helped?  Can we be a soluton to those with heavy burdens?
  • Can I support the vision of your organization?  Does it touch my soul?
  • When deciding between two worthy organizations, which one is having the most impact?

As I was writing this post and as fate would have it, I got up to answer a knock on the door.  There stood an extremely polite teenage boy from Troop 4900 who lives on the next street over.  He was selling coupon cards for $5 so he could go to Boy Scout camp this summer.

It did not take long to pass this opportunity through the decision grid mentioned above.  He was a neighbor and seemed liked a great young man.  I just had to say, “Yes.” 

Well, it is now time for me and my wife to sit down and decide who else we can say, “Yes” to!  As I said above, it is truly a privilege to give to others.

Leaders, tell us how you determine how you leverage your generosity.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.