7 Lessons On Faith And Leadership From The Life Of Donna Summer

Today, disco legend Donna Summer has passed away at age 63.  Donna’s real name was LaDonna Gaines.  My thoughts and prayers go out to family and friends – specifically her husband, children, and grandchildren.  She was my favorite female singer growing up and she will be missed.

Even more than her music, what I appreciated most about Donna was her Christian faith.  Many know from her autobiography that she attempted suicide at the height of her career in 1976.  She realized that you can have everything this world has to offer but that alone will leave your soul empty.

The following are excerpts from a People magazine article written June 9, 2008.  Since this is a leadership website, I will process her thoughts through that specific lens.  She was a woman of incredible faith, self-leadership and courage.  She possessed an inner-peace that only came through her relationship with Jesus Christ.  You can read the full article by clicking here.

  • On Fighting Anxiety – “I was really freaked out by the horrific experiences of that day (9-11).  I couldn’t go out, I didn’t want to talk to anybody. I had to keep the blinds down and stay in my bedroom… Walking there (to counseling) felt like 90 miles. I was so burdened, I was panting. I went, ‘I can make it to the end of the street. I know I can.'”
  • On Staying Positive - “Emotionally, I had to stop focusing on negativism.”
  • On Finding Solutions – “I went to church, and light came back into my soul.  That heaviness was gone.”
  • On Having Perspective - “When I attack myself on little, nonsense issues, I start thanking God for my life. I look at people in Afghanistan and Darfur, and I’m like, ‘Hello? Wake up, Miss Summer!'”
  • On Marriage – Friend Alice Harris says, “She’s gotten through it with the support of a man (husband of 30+ years Bruce Sudano) who adores her.”
  • On A Healthy Self-Image - “There’s a sense of real life here (in Nashville rather than Hollywood).  I have hips, and I like to eat.  I’m too chicken to go under the knife.”
  • On Being A Grandmother - “I make them a bubble bath and bring them cider in champagne glasses.  They boss me around and get a total kick out of it.”

Summer’s family released the following statement today: “Early this morning, we lost Donna Summer Sudano, a woman of many gifts, the greatest being her faith. While we grieve her passing, we are at peace celebrating her extraordinary life and her continued legacy.  Words truly can’t express how much we appreciate your prayers and love for our family at this sensitive time.”

Donna Summer is one of the most influential performers of the last 40 years.  But more than just a performer, she was a wonderful person who deeply loved and is now experiencing Jesus face-to-face.

What are your memories of Donna Summer?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.