The Top Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of May 28th

There is a difference between leader development and leadership development.  Leader development has to do with the person God is molding and shaping you to be.  Leadership development has to do with skills, task, and assignment.

It has been an amazing week in terms of reading challenging content that has to do with leader development.  I have included many in the list below.  Check them out.  They will make you a better leader.

  1. Surely You Can’t Be Serious by Blake Atwood.  This is a guest post on Scott Couchenour’s wonderful site
  2. Battlefield Chaplain’s War Unfolded On Many Fronts by Moni Basu from CNN.  Incredibly inspiring account of military leadership.  Thanks to Ike Reighard for referring this post.
  3. 5-Q’s Your Team Needs to Answer by Artie Davis.  I love this post because Arte teaches that true genius is making the complicated simple.  Not the simple complicated.
  4. Sifted by Sheree DeCouto.  Sheree is the wonderful Women’s Ministry Director of my home church Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA.  Her posts always move me as she has chronicled her battle with cancer.
  5. British Airways Set To Roll Out Home Advantage Social Media Campaign by The Drum.  Pastors and church leaders should always be looking at how different organizations are effectively utilizing social media.
  6. “Dad, Where Are You?” by Derwin Gray.  Pastors, here are all the Father’s Day sermon statistics you will need.  Very sobering and convicting.
  7. 6 Habits Of Truly Memorable People by Jeff Haden on  I am a RAVING fan of Inc. Magazine and their website.
  8. Everything Is As It Should Be by Teresa Lynn.  The tag line on her blog is “My journey of Healing and Forgiveness after Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse”.  Enough said.  Special thanks to Paul Steinbrueck for referring this site.
  9. Embracing Change: The Unbiblical Pursuit of “The Good Old Days”  by Tony Morgan.  Let’s be honest, I hate change but this post reminded me of how important it is.
  10. A Special Announcement  by Perry Noble.  What is God wanting to change in your life?

Pastors and leaders, that is my list for the week.  What would you add?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.