25 Reasons Why I Absolutely Love Pastors

Soon after becoming a Christian at 14 years of age, my Sunday School teacher Lenis Black asked me if I would like to pray before the service with our pastor Jim Lowery.  Because it was Mr. Black asking me, I said “Yes”.

Sitting in that office that morning, I had no idea what I was praying.  I probably just repeated what Mr. Black said.  But little did I realize how that one moment would put me on a trajectory which I am still on to this very day.

For over half of my life, I have served pastors in a variety of roles.  In these last 25+ years I have developed a deep admiration and love for these individuals.  The following are 25 of the reasons (1 for each year) why I love pastors:

  1. Pastors tell me what God thinks about the issues of my life.
  2. Pastors on a weekly basis feed me God’s Word.
  3. Pastors are responsible for the souls of people.
  4. Pastors are addicted to life change.
  5. Pastors pray about things and face spiritual battles of which I have no idea.
  6. Pastors help inspire us to break down racial, socio-economic, relational, and generational boundaries.
  7. Pastors give their lives to serve others.  Sadly, many who will be extremely ungrateful.
  8. Pastors’ wives and children pay a heavy price.
  9. Pastors, compared to other industries, are paid well below their education.
  10. Pastors are people of great vision.
  11. Pastors have the toughest leadership job in the world because they lead volunteer armies.
  12. Pastors preside over life’s unforgettable events such as weddings, baby dedications, and funerals.
  13. Pastors are there when we are hurting.
  14. Pastors provide solutions when we need answers.
  15. Pastors remind us that God is with us and we will make it.
  16. Pastors are extraordinarily generous.
  17. Pastors remind us of our God-given potential.
  18. Pastors help me develop a biblical worldview.
  19. Pastors weep with us when we weep and rejoice with us when we rejoice.
  20. Pastors tell us how to be part of God’s redemptive plan for the world.
  21. Pastors are people in authority but also under authority.
  22. Pastors courageously confront injustice.
  23. Pastors work 24/7.
  24. Pastors are forced to continually innovate.
  25. Pastors keep coming back week after week.

And I am so grateful they do.  To read how a pastor impacted my life when my father died, click here.

Finally, I would like to take this moment to express the deepest appreciation I have for Jim Lowery, Bob Chastain, Jim Pressley, Mark Marshall, Gerald Harris, Don Chadwick, Ike Reighard, Mike Linch, and Crawford Loritts.  These men have been my pastors through the years.

Thank you for the investment you made in my life.  I will thank you each day for all eternity.  You guys are the best!

Would you do me a favor and tell me about the difference pastors have made in your life?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.