10 Things Business Leaders Can Learn From Local Churches

There has been a one-way conversation going on for the past 15 years that needs to be more balanced.  The local church has continually looked to the business community for ideas.  The business community rarely, if ever, looks to local church for ideas.

As an example, Fast Company magazine unveiled The World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies in its March 2012 edition.  Not one local church was mentioned.

I do not think learning from business leaders is a bad thing.  In fact, I have written hundreds of posts on lessons I have learned from the business and athletic communities.  However, all truth comes from God.  He just chooses a variety of ways to reveal it to us.

Christian leaders should not under-estimate their insights.  We have much to offer business leaders.  The following are 10 lessons that are waiting to be discovered by the private sector which would improve their ROI and quality of life:

  1. The Greatest Role Model For LeadershipJesus Christ is the greatest leader who ever lived.  He modeled sacrifice, building an inner-circle, authority, friendship, communication skills, team building, mentoring, love, strength, compassion, wisdom, humor, and tough decisions.  Jesus also left a sustainable legacy in the local church which still prevails today.
  2. The Greatest Leadership Manual Ever Written – Christians have daily access to the greatest leadership book ever written – the Bible.  Even for those who do not follow the teachings of Jesus, the principles contained in this book have proven to be transformational and timeless.
  3. Superior Communication Skills – The best collection of story tellers and inspirational communicators in America can be found in local churches.
  4. Commitment To Mission And Vision – The most successful churches are deeply committed to mission and vision and resist outside influences that would move them from their calling.
  5. How To Develop Passion – I define passion as owning the results of the organization.  The greatest leadership in the world is done at local churches because you must mobilize and lead volunteer armies.  It is not as though church leaders can threaten these individuals’ paychecks.  The ability to create ownership of the church’s success by those on their team is something desperately needed in the business community.
  6. Financial Management – Many churches were devastated by the financial collapse of 2008.  With grace and love, they had to change budgets, reallocate resources, do layoffs, make tough decisions, and change the way they operated.
  7. Brand Loyalty – Most churches have a core group of members who have been there for years and deeply love their church.  This core group has weathered many storms, sat under multiple leaders, and raised their children at that church.  They will passionately defend the church and its customs.
  8. Meaningful Relationships – No institution in America has more life-long relationships than local churches.  They care about the success of the person sitting right beside them.
  9. Creating Memorable Events – Successful churches facilitate and celebrate life-changing moments that are talked about for years.  Many times, the only thing businesses talk about for years is mistakes.
  10. Meeting Felt Needs – For those involved at prevailing churches, their life is made better.  Marriages are put back together.  Addictions are broken.  Self-esteem rises.  Children are inspired about what they can become.  People are given hope.  Many businesses are involved in charitable work that helps those in their communities.  Other than compensation, I wonder how many are focused on improving the quality of human life for those inside their own walls?

Business leaders, are you looking for a hidden advantage in your competitive industry?  I recommend talking to a pastor or Christian leader from a great church.  Even if you are not a follower of Jesus, I know you will find the conversation insightful and the results worth the investment of your time.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.