The Top 25 Christian Leaders You Need To Follow On Twitter In 2012 Part 2

Earlier this year, I posted The Top 20 Christian Blogs Leaders Need To Be Reading In 2012 and The Top 25 Christian Leaders You Should Follow On Twitter In 2012.  These posts became incredible resources for readers.

When speaking with Scott Williams earlier this year, he advised me to do another list mid-year with new names.  Because of his work with and, he is one of the leading experts on social media in Christian circles and I have great respect for his opinion.

Therefore, taking Scott’s advice, the following is a second list of The Top 25 Christian Leaders You Need To Follow On Twitter In 2012:

  1. Paul Alexander – Paul is the Executive Pastor at Sun Valley Community Church in Arizona.  Along with, he is forming a Leadership Coaching Network that every Christian leader should be a part of. You can read more about it by clicking here.
  2. Kara Bellar and Vicki Gray – I had the privilege of getting to know both Kara and Vicki earlier this year.  They are pastor’s wives at Journey Church and Transformation Church respectively.  If you are looking for two highly competent Christian leaders of GREAT ministries with unique insights, follow both of these ladies.
  3. Bruxy Cavey – Bruxy is the incredibly talented and creative Teaching Pastor at The Meeting House in Canada.  His is also the author of The End of Religion.
  4. Richard Chancy – Richard is simply one of the best ministry strategists in America.  When I get calls from church leaders who need to build or do major renovations, I refer every one to Richard and his teammates at Cogun Builders.
  5. Nicole Cottrell – Nicole writes one of the best Christian blogs on the internet
  6. Artie Davis – Artie is the Senior Pastor and Church Multiplier of Cornerstone Church. He is also the Director of The Sticks & author of the upcoming books Craveable and Craveable Church.
  7. Mary Demuth – I love Mary’s profile.  It says, “I love to help folks live uncaged lives through writing & speaking.”
  8. Odell Dickerson – Odell is the amazing Chief Operating Officer of New Psalmist Baptist Church in Baltimore, MD.
  9. Tim Elmore – Tim is the President of Growing Leaders and author of Habitudes. He is deeply committed to training the next generation of leaders.
  10. Josh Hamilton – The legendary and inspiring center fielder of the Texas Rangers and reigning American League MVP.  To hear Josh’s testimony, click here.
  11. Jeff Henderson – This amazing leader and communicator is the self-proclaimed Lead Pastor of the smallest church in North Point Ministries.
  12. Shelley Giglio – Along with her husband Louie, Shelley oversees Passion City Church, Six Step Records, and the Passion movement.  With a life completely devoted to lifting up Jesus, the global impact of this one human life will not fully be known until we get to Heaven.  Beth Moore said, “What would students look like today if Louie and Shelley weren’t on the planet?”
  13. Rachel Held Evans – Rachel is a blogger, speaker, author of Evolving in Monkey Town  and the upcoming A Year of Biblical Womanhood.
  14. Krish Kandiah – Krish is Executive Director: Churches in Mission and England Director for the UK Evangelical Alliance. He is part of the theme development group for Spring Harvest, an external examiner for Oak Hill College and Associate Research Fellow at London School of Theology.
  15. Mike Linch – Mike is the Senior Pastor of NorthStar Church in Kennesaw, GA. This church delivers the best community ministry in America.  You can check out all they are involved in by clicking here.
  16. Bryan Loritts – Bryan pastors the multi-generational, multi-ethnic tribe of Fellowship Bible Church Memphis.
  17. Shawn Lovejoy – Shawn is Senior Pastor of Mountain Lake Church, leader of, and author of The Measure of Our Success: An Impasssioned Plea To Pastors.
  18. Gabe Lyons – Gabe Lyons is the founder of Q,a learning community that mobilizes Christians to advance the common good in society and author of  The Next Christians: The Good News About the End of Christian America
  19. Drew Mahan – Drew is a church planter and Senior Pastor of Forward Community Church in Kentucky.  In five years, everyone will know his name!
  20. Beth Moore – As a bible teacher, Beth needs no introduction.  She is also arguably the world’s most influential female Christian leader.
  21. Carey Nieuwhof – Based out of Toronto, the Lead Pastor of Connexus Community Church is one of our most innovative Christian leaders.
  22. Manny Ohonme – Manny is the best-selling author of Sole Purpose and Founder & CEO of  Samaritan’s Feet.
  23. David Platt – David is the Senior Pastor of The Church at Brook Hills and author of Radical.
  24. Efrem Smith – Efrem is the Superintendent of the Pacific Southwest Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church. In this role he provides leadership to around 160 churches and other ministry initiatives in California, Arizona, Hawaii, Nevada, and Utah. He is also an Itinerant Speaker with Kingdom Building Ministries and is the author of the books, Raising-up Young Heroes and The Hip Hop Church
  25. Matt Steen – Matt helps churches implement strategy and pursue vision through his work with and blog

That is my list.  If you are wondering why some leaders were not listed, be sure to check out the previous two posts mentioned above for additional Christian leaders and their insights.

Finally, what other leaders would you recommend we follow on Twitter?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.