7 Leadership Lessons From Beth Moore Preaching At Passion City Church

Sunday, July 1st was the hottest day in Atlanta history!  106 degrees!  And Beth Moore (yes, that Beth Moore) was preaching at Passion City Church!

Passion City Church pastor Louie Giglio is going through the book of John but was going to be in Australia at the Hillsong Conference.  He needed a GREAT bible teacher to teach John 19, the crucifixion of Jesus.  He called Beth and (pardon the pun) man did she deliver!

Expecting an overflow crowd, my family arrived at 2:00 PM to get in line for the 4:00 PM service.  Upon arriving we learned that because of security and other issues, the doors were not going to open until 3:00 PM.  We were about to get cooked in the 106 degree oven known as Atlanta!

As the line of easily over 700 people wrapped around the building, the Passion City Touch Team did something amazing.  For those not in the shade, they brought out dozens of umbrellas.  Then, they rolled out ice chests and served everyone pop sickles. We were all hot and uncomfortable but highly impressed.

We entered at 3:00 PM and waited comfortably in the air conditioning.  Then at 4:00 PM, over 2,500 people experienced an INCREDIBLE service which lasted just under two hours and also included Matt Maher leading worship.

So let’s recap:

  • My family arrived two hours early for a church service.
  • Hundreds stood in the 106 degree heat for an hour waiting for the doors to open.
  • Everyone then waited with a sense of anticipation for an hour for the service to begin.
  • The service lasted just under two hours.
  • A women preached.
  • An it was ALL ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE and I would do it all over again!

There are several leadership lessons we can gain from this experience:

  • The Passion leadership team did an excellent job using social media to build anticipation and promote Beth’s appearance.
  • People arrive early for excellence.
  • People will stand in line, even in record heat, for something that can change their life.
  • Service length is relative.  Two hours passes rapidly when the presentation is compelling.  If you do not believe this, think of the movies The Avengers, The Lord Of The Rings, Titanic, and Avatar.  On the other hand, some one-hour services feel like they last forever.
  • The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just a little extra.  People understood having to wait to enter the building but it was very, very hot.  Providing umbrellas and pop sickles was a perfect touch.
  • There is genius in simplicity.
  • Wonderful surprises.  Passion City Church always surprises me in wonderful ways which makes their gatherings memorable.

Pastors and church leaders, here are some questions to ask your creative teams:  Are you using social media to advance mission and vision?  Do people arrive early for your services?  Are they willing to stand in line?  Do your services pass quickly?  Do you focus on little things that can make an experience memorable?  Do you prioritize wonderful surprises for those who attend your church?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.