26 Leadership Quotes From The Ten Commandments For Business Failure Part 2

The Ten Commandments for Business FailureThe following is Part 2 of the leadership quotes and insights series from Donald Keough’s incredible book The Ten Commandments for Business Failure.  You can read Part 1 by clicking here.

  1. “The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.” – Burrhus Frederic Skinner
  2. “Show me a dozen ties and I’m confused.  Show me three and I usually pick the blue one.”
  3. “It ain’t so much the things we know that get us into trouble.  It’s the things we know that just ain’t so.” – Mark Twain
  4. “We seek to confirm our preconceived views rather than see what might be wrong with those views.”
  5. “‘Let’s build the best car we can.  And let’s keep improving that car.’  Obvious.  And brilliant.” – on the Japanese car industry
  6. “All the research in the world doesn’t mean anything if you aren’t asking the right questions.”
  7. “We saw the same furniture everyone else did, but we knew the sofa could be moved.”
  8. “Time to think is not a luxury.  It is a necessity.”
  9. “We pay homage to reason, but we are held hostage to emotion.”
  10. “It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.” – James Thurber
  11. “The expertise of some experts has been disproved so many times that you would think they would wear out their welcome.”
  12. “They are constantly ‘reengineering’ – mainly they’re reengineering the language.”
  13. “You simply cannot put numbers on everything.  It is, to my way of thinking, a failure of imagination.”
  14. “If you want to get nothing done, make sure that administrative concerns take precedence over all others!”
  15. “The geometrically elegant machinery of the organization should not get in the way of the human creativity and productivity of individuals.”
  16. “They go home at night complaining of how hard they work and in reality no single productive event has taken place all day.”
  17. “I always described myself as a high-priced janitor.  My job was to keep the aisles clear so that our brightest associates could get their jobs done.”
  18. “Very early in my business career I came to the not so startling conclusion that every business is mainly about serving present customers effectively and creating new ones.”
  19. “If there were any criticims to be leveled, I wanted them aired in a room when everybody was looking at each other.  I also tried to discourage people from giving me information or posing a question in the hallway.”
  20. “A committee is a group of men who individually can do nothing, but as a group decide that nothing can be done.” – Fred Allen
  21. “I moved the sofa!  And the house did not collapse.”
  22. “There are many things in life more important than money, and they all cost money.” – Fred Allen
  23. “The reality of the motion picture business is that you could not develop a guaranteed stream of income from it.”
  24. “Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.” – Michael Pritchard
  25. “In the modern scientific age, in the industrialized Western world, perpetual fear of the future is irrational.”
  26. “Worst case scenarios rarely happen.”

Which of these quotes speaks to you the most?  And do not forget, check back tomorrow for Part 3 of the quotes and lessons from Keough’s book.  We will also unveil his Top Ten Commandments for Business Failure.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.