20 Things Pastors Should Know About Financial Leaders

Pastors, are you intimidated by wealthy people?  Are you the type of pastor who does not want to know what people give?  Do you dread and avoid one-on-one conversations with people about money?

I am often asked about the subject of dealing with financial leaders when talking with ministry leaders.  It does not have to be difficult or intimidating.  It can actually be refreshing and one of the most rewarding things pastors can do.

The following is the information I give church leaders to help them prepare for those conversations.

  1. Financial Leaders are people who have been identified as having the capability of making a significant investment into the church’s future.
  2. Financial Leaders must be linked to vision and to the church’s journey into their preferred future.
  3. Financial Leaders are not pressured to be meeting with pastors and church staff.
  4. Financial Leaders are honored to be meeting with the church leadership.
  5. Financial Leaders are familiar and comfortable with commitments that leave a legacy.
  6. Financial Leaders have experienced several personal and financial defining moments.
  7. Financial Leaders are inspired by the magnitude of a compelling church vision.
  8. Financial Leaders are awed that they can have personal involvement.
  9. Financial Leaders need to see, hear, and feel the impact of the ministry vision.
  10. Financial Leaders need to know that the pastor is “in it” personally.
  11. Financial Leaders need to know that the pastor is “in it” for the long haul.
  12. Financial Leaders need to sense that the congregation is also attached to the vision.
  13. Financial Leaders need to know that the vision is doable.  That it can be accomplished.
  14. Financial Leaders need to feel a sense of personal responsibility for the vision.
  15. Financial Leaders need to understand Proportional Giving is based upon Personal Assets and now what others give.
  16. Financial Leaders have multiple options.  Therefore, they need time to process your conversation.
  17. Financial Leaders will want to know the size of the financial need.
  18. Financial Leaders may ask, “How much do you want me to give?”  Be prepared to answer that question.
  19. Financial Leaders often love their church.  Where their treasure/investment is, is where their heart is.  Therefore, Financial Leaders quite possibly are rooting for their pastor and staff more than anyone.
  20. There are most likely Financial Leaders in your church you are unaware of.

Pastors and church leaders, what one item listed above will help you better engage and disciple financial leaders?

If you are a financial leader reading this post, what would you want your pastor to know about you?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.