7 Websites Every Christian Should Read On A Daily Basis

The month of July was an amazing month for this site! On July 1st, I wrote the post The Top 25 Christian Leaders You Need To Follow On Twitter In 2012 Part 2.  It went on to have the largest single day of activity in this site’s history.

Christian leaders are looking for quality resources and that post met a need.  It also spoke to the value of online generosity and promoting the content of others.

In that spirit, I want to highlight seven websites I point all Christian leaders to.  What I like about these sites is they aggregate the finest writings of today’s Christian leaders.  They have become one-stop shops for great Christian content.

  1. Catalyst – Leadership has been the topic of focus for the Catalyst brand since inception. Catalyst and their annual Conferences provide a wide cover for addressing a variety of topics specific to Next Generation Leaders, including organizational leadership, personal leadership, integrity, character,  relationships, and teamwork, among others.
  2. Church Bloggers Network – This Facebook community, organized by Andrew Jackson, is an open network. That means anyone can join, invite others to join, and see the group information, the discussion board, the wall, videos, photos, and posted items.
  3. ChurchLeaders.com – Brian Orme and his team produce my favorite website.  Simply the greatest collection of church blogs and resources on the web organized in an easy-to-use fashion.
  4. Faith VillageFaithVillage combines community, content and e-commerce in one compelling online destination.  The site is organized around a fun and intuitive virtual village where users can move up and down the city streets of a hip urban neighborhood where each building is a targeted content channel.  Think Facebook for Christian leaders.
  5. The Gospel Coalition – This is a fellowship of evangelical churches deeply committed to renewing faith in the gospel of Christ and to reforming ministry practices to conform fully to the Scriptures.
  6. Outreach Magazine – This site is an invaluable resource in terms of capturing the best evangelism ideas from some of the great Christian thinkers in the world.
  7. Pastors.com – Pastors.com is a place for Christian leaders to connect. Run by Rick Warren and Brandon Cox, their passion is healthy pastors leading healthy churchesTherefore, they’ve put together a flowing stream of content to nourish and enrich the lives and leadership of pastors everywhere as well as a dynamic community where church leaders can draw encouragement and wisdom from one another.

What other websites do you recommend to your Christian friends and leaders?

I mentioned earlier that The Top 25 Christian Leaders You Need To Follow On Twitter In 2012 Part 2 was this site’s top read post.  The following is the complete list of July’s Top 10 Most Read Posts.

  1. The Top 25 Christian Leaders You Need To Follow On Twitter In 2012 Part 2
  2. FREE Ebook 151 Leadership Quotes:Timeless Truths That Will Make You A Better Leader
  3. 8 Ways To Raise A Spoiled And Entitled Child
  4. 14 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From The Amazing Spider-Man
  5. 20 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From The Dark Knight Rises
  6. 20 Practices Of Highly Inspirational Leaders
  7. 6 Events That Made Me Ask “Why Can’t A Church Do That?”
  8. The Most Horrifying Image I’ve Ever Seen And What We Can Do About It
  9. 5 Inspirational And Heroic Stories From The Aurora, CO Theater Shootings
  10. 7 Leadership Lessons From Beth Moore Preaching At Passion City Church

The following are four additional personal favorites that did not make the Top 10.  I hope you enjoy them the 2nd time around.

  1. 5 Practices Of Highly Effective Church Staffs I Learned From My Father’s Funeral
  2. My Strategy For Self-Leadership And Measuring Personal Performance
  3. The Survey Says “Proof That Christian Leaders Are Extraordinarily Generous”
  4. 8 Leadership Lessons From Kayaker Walter Szulc Jr’s Encounter With A Great White Shark

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.