Live Notes From The Global Leadership Summit – 40 Quotes From Patrick Lencioni And William Ury

I am being so stretched in my thinking at this year’s WCA Global Leadership Summit.  I want to once again thank my company, Injoy Stewardship Solutions (ISS), for sponsoring my time here and investing in my personal development.

Friday’s first session featured business and management expert Patrick Lencioni speak on healthy organizations and expert negotiator and conflict resolver William Ury. The following were their comments:

“If the pioneers don’t prevail, the churches in that area won’t prevail…Pioneering leaders learn best from each other.” – Jim Mellada

Patrick Lencioni 

  • “People need reminded more than instructed.”
  • “The things that make Southwest great, other organizations think it is beneath them.”
  • “Organizational health is the single greatest competitive advantage in any business.”
  • “Organizational health must be smart. Strategy Marketing, Finance, Technology”
  • “In addition to being smart, organizations must be healthy.  Minimal Politics, Minimal Confusion, High Morale, High Productivity, Low Turnover.”
  • “In today’s nano-second world, it’s hard to distinguish your company on the left (smart).”
  • “The stuff on the left (healthy) is the differential.”
  • “Cohesive Leadership – Results, Accountability, Commitment, Conflict, Trust.”
  • “Healthy organizations must be intellectually aligned.”
  • “A mission statement is not a good way to develop clarity.”
  • Six Critical Questions - Why do we exist? How do we behave? What can we actually do? How do we succeed? What is most important in our organization right now? Who must do what?
  • “Aspirational values.  Values we wish we had but we don’t.”
  • “A core value is something you’re willing to be punished for.  If the market is not rewarding you for it, you will do it anyway.”
  • “To violate your core value is to ask you to sell your soul.”
  • “Churches struggle with core values because they confuse them with Permission To Play Values.”
  • “To work at a church, you should never do it because you have to have a job.” – John Ortberg
  • “Strategy should be accessible to everyone…The myriad of intentional decisions that allow you to succeed and differentiate yourself from your competitors.”
  • “You have to hear something seven times before you believe it in an organization.”
  • “If your team can’t mimic you when you’re not around, you’re not doing a good job communicating.”
  • “I wish organizational health were a standard.”

William Ury

  • “How do we learn to live with each other?”
  • “Negotiation is the preeminent of making decisions.  It is the core competence for leadership.” 
  • “Conflict isn’t something bad…No injustice is addressed without conflict.”
  • “Can we deal with the conflicts in a constructive way through dialogue?”
  • “The single biggest obstacle to getting what we need in a negotiation is ourselves.”
  • “When angry, you will make the best speech you will ever regret.”
  • “The key successful foundation of a successful negotiation is finding a place of clarity.”
  • “The greatest power we have in a negotiation is the power not to react.”
  • “Focus on human beings, their under-lying needs.”
  • “When we are soft on people, we are soft on the people.  When we are hard on the people, we are hard on the people…We need to be soft on the people, hard on the problem.”
  • “Negotiation is an exercise in influence.  We are trying to change someone’s mind.  How can we do that without first knowing where their mind is.”
  • “Focus on interests, not positions.”
  • “Why is it that you want that?”
  • “Invent multiple options.”
  • “Insist that the result be based on some objective standard.”
  • “Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) – this is alternative positive thinking.”
  • “BATNA is better than bottom line.”
  • “Some conflicts are so difficult they can only be solved by a story.”
  • “Traveler, there is no path.  The path is made by walking.”
  • “Do I not destroy my enemy when I turn them into our friends.” – Abraham Lincoln

Unbelievable!  Getting ready for Friday’s second session!

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.