10 Questions Every Pastor Should Ask About His Preaching

Today, I am honored to provide you a guest post by Charles Stone who heads up Stonewell Ministries.  Charles helps pastors and churches get unstuck by applying neuroleadership insight to the art of spiritual leadership.  He has become a good online friend and you should check out his blog by clicking here.

His first book, Daughters Gone Wild-Dads Gone Crazy, co-authored with his daughter Heather, was featured on the Dr. Laura Show as a feature book. Together they appeared in a two-part series on Focus on the Family with Dr. James Dobson.  Their book earned the 2007 Writer of the Year Award at the Write-to-Publish Conference held at Wheaton College.  

10 Questions Every Preacher Should Ask About His Preaching is recent post from Charles.  I’m honored to share it with you.


“Every Sunday something happens over 400,000 times in the US.

A pastor preaches a sermon.

If an average sermon lasts about 30 minutes and if roughly 56 million people attend on an average Sunday, then church attenders in America’s churches spend this amount of time listening to our sermons each week.

  • 23,000,000 man hours
  • which equals 958,000 days
  • which equals 136,904 weeks
  • which equals 2,632 years

And if the average pastor spends 10 hours preparing a sermon, all told pastors will spend the following amount of time in weekly sermon prep.

  • 4,000,000 man hours
  • which equals 166,666 days
  • which equals 23,800 weeks
  • which equals 457 years

Putting it all together, each week sermons gobble up three centuries of man-hours. If you multiply that over a year’s time . . . well, you do the math.

When I calculated this number, it boggled my mind. That statistic then begged this question.

What spiritual return is our preaching giving us?

I know we can’t measure the eternal impact from our sermons. However, the amount of time we invest in them and the time people invest in listening to them should cause us to pause and evaluate. These numbers caused me to think.

Take a few moments and consider these ten questions. As you read them ask yourself if the Lord is prompting you to make some changes to maximize your sermons’ spiritual impact.

  • Do I spend sufficient time preparing my heart to preach (ie: spiritual disciplines, stillness, character development)?
  • Do I spend sufficient time with people to understand the issues they face that need a word from God?
  • Am I being true to what the biblical writers intended when I preach?
  • Am I willing to get honest feedback from people who can help me improve my preaching?
  • Do I make my preaching more about Him and less about me and what others may think about my preaching?
  • What am I doing to improve my study and presentation skills?
  • Am I willing to preach on unpopular subjects about which the Scripture speaks?
  • Do I spend sufficient time thinking about ways that could maximize the listener’s attention so as to increase their retention of my sermons?
  • Do I always tie my sermons to the overarching redemptive theme of the Gospel?
  • Do I approach preaching as a hallowed trust?

Perhaps the venerable Haddon Robinson captured the essence of preaching when we wrote this in his excellent book, Biblical Preaching.

When you get right down to it, preaching is like farming. I often say, “Lord, here I am. As far as I can tell, I’ve tried to fill my sack with good seed. I’ve done my homework, I think my attitude is right, and it’s the best, most interesting seed I’ve got. I’m going to scatter it now, Lord. So here goes. We’ll see what comes up in the field.” Then, once I’ve sown the seed, I do what farmers do: I go home and rest.

What questions would you add to this list?”


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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.