Live Updates From The 2012 NewSpring Leadership Conference – 11 Leadership Quotes From Perry Noble

The Injoy Stewardship Solutions team is in Anderson, SC attending the NewSpring Leadership Conference.  The following are the leadership quotes from an incredible first session by Perry Noble.  Also, if you are the event, go to and register for a chance to win a FREE iPad.  We will be giving it away about 4:00 PM.

Here are Perry’s amazing quotes:

  • 2 things I’m praying for personally – 1.  That Jesus will enable me to continually renew my focus and love for Him.  2.  That Jesus will give me an increasing measure of faith.
  • When we fall in love with Jesus, we will fall in love with people.
  • When we lose focus it can hurt and hurt a lot of people.
  • Maybe the reason people are running away from church is that we are arguing over things that don’t matter.
  • Wesleyans – it’s like someone smoked weed and went to church.  Charismatics must be on crystal meth.
  • Fighting the good fight sometimes means knowing which fights to walk away from.

3 Things We Argue About We Don’t Need To:

1.  Morality – Are you willing to fight through your problem?…Only in the church can the huge condemn the homosexual.

2.  Theology – Messed up theology leads to messed up lives…Most people who love theology love theology more than Jesus…I will not end a friendship over theology.

3.  Methodology – I care way more about reaching lost people in this community more than I care about what other churches think…Sometimes in the church Jesus is going to do things we don’t like.

  • The lie the enemy wants you to believe about your church is that your best days are behind you but that’s not true.
  • Do your people want to follow someone who believes great things?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.