Today My Church Gave Away A Car


Today was a wonderful day for me.  Last year, I was involved in helping organize a generosity initiative for my home church, Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA.  In essence, we did a 1-year campaign to raise funds to help those who had lost their jobs, in danger of losing their homes, or were in severe financial need.  To see a CBS National News feature on our efforts, click here.

This past week, I received an email from our stewardship pastor Kevin Cross asking if I would like to represent our church and give away a car to a single mom in need after the morning service.  I could not type “Without A Doubt!!!!” fast enough.  We set it up with mom to meet with Kevin and myself in our coffee area where she would “pray with an elder about her transportation needs”.

A young couple in our church was leaving for the mission field.  The church purchased their vehicle with the resources in our generosity fund for the purpose of giving it to a family in need.  This was truly a win-win situation.  A young family received funds to help them transition to the mission field easier.  And a single mom’s life was about to get a lot better!

We announced in both morning services that a demonstration of generosity would take place in the parking lot after the 2nd service so dozens of people were anxiously waiting.

I met with the mother and her two children as originally planned.  They were absolutely delightful and just a sweet, sweet family.  Knowing the vehicle was waiting for them in the parking lot, I prayed “Lord, this family is a gift to our church.  You know the transportation needs they have.  We thank you that you are a God who knows our needs and meets everyone of them.  Every good and perfect gift comes from you.  We thank you in advance for meeting this need.” 

When we concluded praying together, I said to the mother, “You know, when we thank God in advance for meeting our need, the waiting game then begins.”  She nodded.  I then said with a smile, “I don’t think you’re going to have to wait very long.”  She look confused and I said, “Why don’t you come with me.”

We walked from the coffee area into the parking lot, past dozens of waiting people, and then she saw a vehicle with a bow on it.  I then gave her the title and a key and said, “It’s yours and it is completely paid for.”  The people cheered.  She cried almost uncontrollably.  I cried.  Everyone cried.  It was simply one of the great blessings of my life, not to mention her’s.

I have several thoughts from this event.

  • Generosity Is Contagious – After the presentation, someone came up to Kevin and stated he had two cars he would like to donate as well.  
  • The Church, Not The Government, Should Meet Needs Of The Poor – Everything you need to meet the needs of the poor and under-resourced can be found within the walls of America’s local churches.  The church must simply develop an awareness, systems, and process for providing solutions to serve the under-resourced.
  • The Benefit Of Generosity – Today I was privileged to experience what the Bible calls “a life that is truly life”.

Pastors and church leaders, what is one thing your church can do right now to serve someone in need attending your church?  What is one thing you can do to experience a life that is truly life?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.